Ryunosuke Akutagawa (Part 2)

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"We are here Dazai-san."

"Ah - !" Dazai removed his headphones, inching his way to the doors of the helicopter. Patting the man who flew him here on the back, he exited the helicopter, feet creating a cloud of dust as they seemed to be a sandy, deserted area.

"Say thank you to (Y/N) for me okay ? , Reo-kun -"

"Will do Dazai-san." Reo nodded his head slightly, as he prepared to take off one again.

"By the way Reo-kun, I don't see any nuclear testing sites nearby or the like, why is that so?"

"The agents will bring you there."


"Three days."

"Whaa--!! Wait a minute Reo-kun, I'll die of thirst before I get to die from the nuclear blast!"

"My apologies Dazai-san, but (Y/N)-san ordered me to drop you off early." He nodded his head once again before closing the door and taking off.

"Ahh.. I should have known there would be a catch to the deal."


"Fufufu .. Did you drop Dazai off, Reo?" You couldn't help but be extremely satisfied at the thought of the brilliant prank you had pulled on Dazai.

"Yes, (Y/N)-san.." His voice was slightly out of breath, with various gunshot sounds in the background.

"Good good.. Ah - by the way where are you now Reo?"

"Finishing your work (Y/N)-san. ..." You could almost hear the sigh of exasperation in his voice. Really, a lot of credit had to be given to him for bearing with you.

"Oh yeah - !"


"Well I won't be back for around a week so explain that to the boss for me -! That's it so bye bye~" You snapped your phone shut, walking out of the room, as you shut the door behind you, heading to the living room as you bent down to place your phone on the coffee table.



"No no Gin-chan, that isn't how you hide your presence ~" You dodged to the side, grabbing her arm and disarming her, before pinning her to the ground.

You got off her, as the girl stood up, slightly disgruntled.

"How you hide your aura is pretty decent actually ~. It's just that you breathe too heavily when you get worked up.." You sat cross-legged, as you evaluated Gin's performance.

"Ah-!" You hopped up, walking to the medical cabinet, taking out a box of clinical masks, handing them over to Gin who had also walked over, curious.

"I originally bought them for your brother but he seems to insist that wearing a mask would make him look weaker - " you huffed as you recalled that time when you decided that reducing the damage on Akutagawa's lungs would be a great option but then he knocked the box out of your hands and ran off.

"The mask will muffle your breathing a little. You still need to work on it of course, but this should help." You placed your hands on your hip, puffing your chest out at the great idea you got.

Gin hooked the mask over her ears, pulling at it slightly, before disappearing.

"Oh ~! This is much better ~!" You squatted down, as Gin flew over your head, her knife passing through where your vitals were just a moment ago. Gin tumbled across the floor, rolling over, before getting back to a 'ready' position.

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