Dazai Osamu (?)

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Tapping your feet, annoyed, as you listened to the elevator music while it headed for Boss's office.

The text you received from Chuya at 6pm only read: Boss is calling.

With no time or location stated whatsoever, you decided (after calling Chuya 10 times with no response) that heading to the office at the top of the building would be the best move. You really needed to talk to Chuya about his texting skills.

Arriving in front of the carved mahogany doors, you knocked twice, waiting for Boss's permission to enter.

"Oh ! (Y/N)-nee." Surprisingly, Elise came to answer the door instead, a smile on her face that she stuck out of the slightly opened gap in the door.

"Ah-! Elise-chan -! Chuya told me that 'Boss is calling' but didn't give me further information. Is Boss in?"

Elise placed a finger to her lips, her grin widening further, "Rintaro is calling for an executive meeting."

What ?!

She stepped backwards, opening the door fully, beckoning you in. "Why not come in and wait? Chu-nii is already here."

You were shook out of your stupor, quickly following Elise after you closed the door behind you. "Wait why?! ..-"

Arriving at the living room, you could see Chuya on the couch, his hat barely above the top of the couch indicating his presence.

Stopping at the corridor which lead to her room, Elise pointed to Chuya. "Rintaro already told him."

"I hope you can handle the news (Y/N)." Elise turned away from you, waving bye-bye as she closed the door to her room.

You headed to the couch, seeing Chuya slumped over, his chin rested over his clutched hands. Sitting down opposite him, you stared at him in silence for a while, before deciding you had to break this awkward silence.

"So why did Boss call us?" You asked, a little hesitantly, after all, Elise made it clear that it was something of grievous matter.

When he did not acknowledge your presence, you asked once more. On the third time, you gave up, leaning backwards as you wondered out loud "I wonder if Dazai is going to skip out on this meeting.."

"He wouldn't be coming."

Finally hearing Chuya's response, you faced him, even more confused. After all, no matter how much Dazai skipped out on work, an executive meeting was something he had to attend.

"Ha? What do you mean - he is not an idiot - what -"

"He betrayed the Mafia"

"What?" the cracked, squeaky voice that came out of your throat was unrecognizable as your own.

"Oi- Chuya, don't joke with me -" you got up, half running to where Chuya was, grabbing the collar of his shirt, pulling him upwards as you slammed your face into his field of vision.

"Calm down, (Y/N)-kun~." A nonchalant voice cut your haste short, as you froze mid-action.

"-Boss - !!" Cut short, you released Chuya's now wrinkled collar, as both of you hit the ground on one knee.

Following Mori was Kouyou. Unlike Mori whose heels made a click-clack sound, she was as silent as you would expect an assassin to be.

Mori took his seat at the head of the table, while Kouyou sat to his left. Chuya and you got up, heading towards the long meeting table (it could at least sit 20 people). Chuya took a seat next to Kouyou, while you sat opposite to Chuya. The gaping emptiness of the seat next to you fuelled the unsettling feeling in your heart.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 22, 2019 ⏰

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