Michizo Tachihara (Part 3)

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Fun fact I draw. I wonder how long the strip can go on before I decide that it is horrible. Also Gin makes me go 'jakjadxbjkdsiuc'.


Oh... I am alive.

I was.. dying from extreme blood loss in a forest..

Tachihara was there..


Shit why was he such an idiot to touch me now his secrets will-

In a split second you received what had to be half of Tachihara's life story - the (surprisingly) massive amount of times he took your food, the teenage angst he had (what an asshole he was - and still is), his massive respect for his brother and

Oh his brother

The building up of worry and regret that slowly built up, all came crashing down at the letter sent to his home that one day. And that regret and sorrow sharpening itself into needles of hatred buried deep within and pointed at the cause of his brother's death Yosano.

At that moment the flow of memories stopped as you rattled a shaky breath.

Oh crap I can't believe I kept pestering about something as personal as this.



Where am I?

I can count a person here.

Oh boy have I learnt my lesson I am not going to move a muscle until I am alone.



There was the sound of the turning of doorknobs, as the door creaked open slowly, and you could hear the click-clack of shoes on a ceramic floor.

"Ahem - "

Ah !! Its Hirotsu-san ! That old-guy cough is totally him !

Wait I can't suddenly gain consciousness now that's not how passing out works (Iprobably) and it probably would be weird and very suspicious.

"Yeah I know - I'll go you in a bit."

Wait was that Tachihara?

The door closed back with a soft 'thud'.

Are they gone?

There was the sharp screech of metal chair legs being dragged against the floor, and the shuffling of fabric and few footsteps.

Apparently not.

You could feel a shadow of sort over you, presumably Tachihara. There was more shuffling of clothes, then a few seconds of silence, then a familiar sharp, quick, 'k-ching' sound.

Where had I heard that before - hmm..

Ah~ ! It's when we fight - when he does the thing with his gun..



All the instincts in your body caused you to attempt to duck under his arm and pin him down, but the fact that you were in a hospital, recovering from 2 gunshot wounds and still having anesthesia in your system, it should have given you a clue about your current state of activeness.

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