Atsushi Nakajima

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"Sorry for intruding... " Atsushi chanted between sneezes as he entered your house, leaving a trial of wet puddles as he headed to the living room.

"It's okay, really." You assured him as you battled against the wind, finally managing to force the door shut when you slammed your whole body weight against it.

Heading past the living room, you rushed to the cabinets to get towels and a mop, only to drop whatever you had in your hand just as you were about to hand a towel to Atsushi.

"Atsushi-kun.." You peeped, peeking out of the gaps between your fingers to look at him. "Please take off your clothes in the bathroom.."

He was nearly taking off his boxers, pausing for a while, before nodding and saying 'okay', gathering up his clothes and cheerfully heading down the corridor at the direction you pointed him in.

Halfway down the corridor, he froze mid step, as if he just registered what happened. Rushing towards you at unbelievable speed, he grabbed your hands, flustered as he stuttered "Uh.. uhm I'm sorry- !!" as his voice got higher with each word that left his mouth.

He then realised that he was holding your hands within his palms, and you were averting your gaze from him, the tip of your eats slightly red while your mouth was slightly moving, but not saying anything. Atsushi quickly let go of your hands, but when they limply fell and hit the armrest of the couch with a 'thud' he really regretted it.

Speeding off to the bathroom after a few seconds of awkward silence, he entered the bathroom, and peaked his head out of the half-opened bathroom door, half-shouting at you. "(Y/N)-san.. !! You should be the one to take the first bath."

Slightly laughing at his consideration towards you, you shook your head. "I'm not that wet. If you get a cold because of me I'll feel really bad anyways."

When he finally closed the door behind him, you gathered up the objects which you dropped on the floor. Realising that he forgot his towel, you picked it up, intending to pass it to him.

Just as you were about to knock on the toilet door, you heard loud yelp from Atsushi.

Knocking on the door anxiously, you yelled "Atsushi-kun !! Are you okay-?!!"

"I'm fine ! The water was just really cold .." Atsushi answered, his voice slightly muffled by the door.

"Ooh.." You attempted (and failed) to get the amusement out of your voice. "It's because you forgot to turn on the switch for the heater..  Here- ! I'll switch it on for you."

"Thank you..."

"Of course -! If you need any help, feel free to call for me."

Humming to yourself, you headed back to the living room, picking up the mop.


"Uhm.. (Y/N)-san .." Atsushi's slightly defeated voice reached your ears.

Placing down the mop, you headed to the bathroom, "Yes, Atsushi-kun?"

".. the water keeps coming out of the tap instead of the shower head..."

"That's great.. -I mean that's fine. It's a little tricky to use anyways. You have to push down on the button then turn it on."

There were sounds of the water rushing for a few seconds a couple of times and you could tell Atsushi hasn't managed to get it.

"Are you holding the button down while turning it on?"

"Oh-ohh!" Atsushi exclaimed, before spluttering and coughing a couple of times, then weakly managing a 'thank you very much'.

You could tell (from personal experience) that he got caught by surprise from the shower head spraying water at his face.

Walking off (and appreciating how adorably clumsy Atsushi was) you thought that it would be the last of it when not a few minutes passed and you heard Atsushi calling for you again.

"(Y/N)-san.. is the soap meant to turn the water black and gold..?"

"What?! Wait did you use the round ball in the purple box?"

"Yea..yeah..? There weren't any soap bars so I thought the balls were a fancier version that you used.. Was I not supposed to..?"

"Yeah..." you sighed, you did not expect Atsushi to use one of your bath bombs. Especially not the glitter one that you had been looking forward to for ages. "It's called a bath bomb. People use it to make their bath water have different colors and effects."

"Oh.. I'm sorry for spoiling it.. -!!"

"It's fine.. it's my fault for not telling you before hand anyways. You can use the tall green bottle for your body and the shorter orange one and the white one for your hair." You dejectedly walked away, sighing as you went back to mopping the floor.

Fortunately, Atsushi finished the bath without anymore hitches.

When he came out of the bath, he immediately bowed to you, at a 90 degree angle, "I'm sorry for causing you so much trouble-!!"

"Like I said, it is really fine." You dismissed his apology with a wave of your hand.

"..also the weather report said that the rain will last throughout the night.. uhm so would you like to stay over?"

Ahh Atsushi so cute and precious must protect. (*''*)
(Why hasn't anyone called him sushi)

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