Michizo Tachihara (Part 1)

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Slight Spoilers for the recent chapter - actually it is pretty major so-

Also I think this would be better mentioned outside the oneshot:
Your ability is to learn the secrets of others on skin-to-skin contact

"Tachihara ~ -" you chased after the escaping boy, your arms stretched out and grinning slightly creepily, occasionally hiding behind furniture to dodge his bullets.

"--ShiT-" Tachihara pulled the trigger of his gun only to find out that it was a blank. The few seconds that he required to reload the magazine was enough for you to pounce on him.

You leaped at him, arms out stretch, ready to activate your ability - only to be met with a chair in the face.

"Gaah -! Let me touch you ~ - !" You whined, attempting to reach him through the holes in the chair while he somehow managed to avoid touching you.




"Ah - Hirotsu san-!" you sat up from harassing Tachihara, but your legs still pinning him down.

"Get off me.." Tachihara pushed you off him, cussing at you under his breath.

You bounced to your feet, brushing off your skirt as you bowed to Hirotsu. "I'm sorry Hirotsu-san ! I apologise for being unable to pin Tachihara down fast and silent enough - I will train more!"

"Oi squirt - isn't there something else you should apologise for?" Tachihara stood up, throwing the chair to the side and strode towards you, twin guns now fully loaded and pointed threateningly at your face.

"Now now, don't be too rash, y'know? Let's think this through calmly - " your voice got higher and higher as you backed away from Tachihara, furiously looking around for an escape plan.

"Oof -" Your back hit the wall and you looked up to see Tachihara looming over you.

He grinned tauntingly before firing the shot.





"Ahah -! I won ~!" you cheered, knife held at Tachihara's throat as a hole in the wall marked the spot a few inches from where your head had been.

"Che-" Tachihara made a disgruntled noise as he kept his guns.

"Tsk tsk - you should have blocked all escape ways you know~" You sheathed your knife, smugly parading your win around Tachihara.

"No more playing (Y/N). The boss has a job for you." Hirotsu approached you, handing you a document.

"Eh? Me?" you took away the paperclip before scanning through the reports.

"Ah~ I seems Boss-san requires my ability.. The ARC and their research on abilities eh? Ah..~ but infiltration is not my strong suit at all~" you sighed, pocketing the documents. "Well-! I should be able to complete this in a week!"

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