Chuya Nakahara

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"Ahh ~ .. " You stretched. Finding an inn like this was quite a steal - it had good facilities for a rather cheap price.

Today's attempts in hunting down the Mafia failed once again. No, you were not "hunting" them per say, but rather, you were in search of a scoop. No that was not the entire truth either - you were curious. Very curious. Curious on the Mafia's motives and their moves. Especially on how they recently allied themselves with the Armed Detective Agency to protect Yokohama from the Guild.

Tucking yourself under the covers, you prepared to fall asleep. Only to awaken less than an hour later to loud thumping sounds from the room above and glass shattering noises.

And earthquake? No - this wasn't an earthquake zone. A bomb? If it was a bomb you'd already be dead.

The ceiling was visibly shaking and there were slight debris falling all around you. That can't be good.

The cracks in the tiles above you spread even further and finally gave way. You reacted quickly, slinging your camera around your neck and grabbing your notebook before hiding in the space between the bed and the cupboard.

Shutting your eyes, you protected your head (and camera) as you braced for impact.

"Eh-?" You didn't hear the smashing of debris, instead you felt as if you were floating mid-air. Opening your eyes, you saw the yourself floating a few feet off the crumbling floor, surrounded by debris of various sizes. In the middle of it all there was someone, surrounded by red light, wearing a cape and a hat.

You remembered hearing about some ability like this from Dazai - gravity manipulation. And its wielder was "..Chuya Nakahara... from the Port Mafia" you mouthed to yourself, in socking realisation. Who knew your target would fall right into your hands? (with the ceiling)

"Ahrgh -!" Suddenly, you were pulled towards the wall, unable to move a muscle, with a knife pressed dangerously close to your throat.

"How do you know my name..?" His voice gravely low, full with the implied 'answer me... or else'.

Ah. The Mafia naturally hushes up his existence - even if you knew that he was from the Mafia you should be able to know his full name.

"Da..zai-san told me - I work.. at the Arm-Armed Detective Agency-" you managed to choke out, while trying not to start looking visible panicked. Despite what Dazai had told you about him not killing unnecessarily, it was really hard to not piss your pants when a mafia executive is threatening to rip your neck apart.

"Che- " Chuya made a disgruntled face before releasing you from his ability.

"Oof .." you landed on a floating piece of floor while every piece of debris and a few unmoving bodies moved out of the window and neatly in a pile outside.

Legs still slightly shaky, you remained seated on top of the pile of debris as Chuya walked in front of you, holding your notebook as he flipped through the pages.

"Hey -!" You scrambled to stand up, awkwardly making down to Chuya to snatch away the notebook.

"Heh - you work in the Armed Detective Agency but are so interested in the Mafia?" He tore out one page from the notebook as he tossed the notebook back to you.

You fumbly caught the notebook and flipped to the page he tore off. It was a list of Dazai's weaknesses. Pft.

Looking back up, Chuya was already heading off, strutting off probably to call up a few phone numbers and direct them to Dazai.

"Wait .. WaiT!" You chased up to Chuya (who just ignored you). "How about a trade in information? You got something you liked so how about giving me something I want." You rambled, grabbing onto his coat.

Chuya snaps around, looking at you somewhat disdainfully. "What makes you think that I would tell you the secrets of the Mafia?" He then fully turns around, taking out the page that he tore off, sticking it in front of you. "Are you not going to want to take this away? You are letting valuable information being learnt by your enemy you know."

You stared at him, before laughing awkwardly, "Ah..hah, no no I am just an informant. And I don't really need the Mafia's secrets - I just want my curiosity to be satisfied."

"Hmph." Chuya pocketed the page, turning away once again.

Sensing your hard to get chance possibly slipping away, you pressed once more "I'll treat you to a drink ..?"

He stopped, turning around. "I'll entertain you for as long you provide me a drink."


You rested your head in your hands, absolutely tired and exasperated. Looking up, you once again took notice of the Mafia Executive dancing around the bar, occasionally yelling at random people.

Oh god you didn't even want to affiliate yourself with him.

You went back to hiding your face when the bartender gave you a sharp glare.

My logic: Dazai and Chuya oneshots are too many (*ノω<*) First oneshot: Dazai. Second oneshot: Chuya ('∀`;) (°∇°*). Ahh Chuya such a tsundere here. But considering that (Y/N) is possibly their enemy seems like a pretty decent reaction. Hope (kinda) you liked this ⊂((・▽・))⊃

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