Oda Sakunosuke

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I re-watched Season 2 today and oof my heart. Odasaku - !!༼ಢ_ಢ༽


^that's chapter 71 if anyone wants it. I can feel myself loving the hunting dogs even more now. (Tachihara was already on my top 10)

"..Oda- "

"Yeah ?"

"Dazai-san told me that your birthday was yesterday." You nonchalantly said, eyeing him out of the corner of your eye as you casually flipped through your book.

"-Geh - " You watched as Oda visibly flinched, before muttering under his breath, probably cursing Dazai.

"Why didn't you tell me, I'm sure the kids would also have loved to celebrate it with-"

"What - !! Odasaku's birthday was yesterday- ?!" The door fell open, as Kosuke fell to the ground, with Katsumi falling next to him. The others standing exposed behind them, but at least having the sensibility to not lean on an unclosed door, especially when they were eavesdropping. 

Oda attempted to shoo them out (to no avail) as you secretly directed the kids where to run from behind his back. Giving up, and turning to face you (and you quickly picked up your book again), he sighed, rubbing the back of his head, "I don't really need a celebration - and we are all busy and you know - "

He trailed off when the kids crowded around him, and starting to chant"Birthday Party ! Birthday Party! " When you joined in, clapping your hands in rhythm, Oda surrendered, raising his hands in defeat, as you and the kids cheered in victory. 

After shooing Oda out of the room, you stood in front of the kids, declaring "The meeting for Odasaku's late birthday party begins now -. Does anyone have any good ideas?"

"The zoo !"

"A baseball game!"

"Game store!"

"Noo, we have to do something that Odasaku will like, see ? .. Anymore ideas?" You rejected the ideas, hearing the loud 'eeeh?'s that followed.


"The bandage guy !"


"Oh, that's a great idea, Shinji! Uh, the bandage guy is Dazai-san, so please don't call him that, but I'm sure he would like to come. And, Sakura, that's indeed, true, so love him back, okay?" You smiled as Sakura squeezed her bear tighter, nodding shyly.

"So who wants to make curry for Odasaku ! Any objections-?.. Ah, yes?, Kosuke?" His hand immediately shot up, already forming a pout.

" 'hat's so boring - ! I wanna attack Odasaku- !" 

"Yeah - ! We still gotta get back at him for ticklin' us- !" Katsumi joined in, throwing his baseball harder into his glove, grinning.



"Jeez, -.. alright then, since you want it this way, here's how we will do it-.."


You led a blindfolded Oda down the stairs by his hand, while  Shinji and Yu helpfully pushing him down without tripping over the steps.

Sitting him on a stool, Sakura unwrapped the blindfold, while Katsumi placed a plate of curry in front of Oda.

"Curry, ?" Looking around only to see suspiciously grinning faces, Oda sighed, already somewhat guessing what prank would be pulled. However, he still played along, taking up the spoon to eat.




"Oh- ! It's good - ..!" 

"Eeh.. !? But we made it really spicy - !" Kosuke stole Oda's spoon away, tasting the curry, before spitting it out, and running to get milk.

"Aah - ! Kosuke, are you okay .?"

"Oho, don't think you can get away with it, come have a taste of the curry too ~" Oda menacingly (?) crept towards Katsumi, holding out the (very red) plate of curry.

"Gaaah -  !! Stay away - !"

Watching as Katsumi ran upstairs, with Oda right behind him, you rounded up the rest to hide in the bottom floor, evading Oda's torture.


After 5 minutes later, everyone (minus Oda) had red lips and the floor had 3 empty bottles of milk.

"So, do you guys surrender ?"

"..One, two, three - !"

"Happy birthday Odasaku ~!"




"- Ah, by the way, we are having curry for dinner..-"

"GAa -  no more - !!"

I think my one-shots are too wholesome. Coming next - angst for days

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