Francis Scott Key Fitzgerlad

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Also unless stated otherwise, the conversations are in English ! I'm pretty sure he's from abroad. Right?

Also (Y/N) here stands for 'dear'. 

"Francis~" you whinnied over the phone "when will you be coming back, I miss you so much~ .."

"I miss you too, (Y/N)." The screen displayed his top half, and noticing that he was wearing the red and white tie you got him for your anniversary, your smile spreaded into a giant grin.

Really, even after 10 years you were still head over heels in love.

"... doctor ... (Y/N)? (Y/N). (Y/N) -!"

"huh - ? Oh-!" You let out an awkward laugh as you saw Francis' endearing look that he has given you too many a times.

"What did the doctor say about your condition - was what I was saying." Francis patiently repeated to you.

"Oh, well, I'm getting a lot better for sure! I don't throw up as much anymore, and I can walk for a little again -" Struck by an idea, you directed the camera on your phone to an open area. "-I'll show you -"

"Wait - please don't overexert yourself, I'm sure you are doing great -" There were clattering sounds, as Francis just stood up, about to stop you before realising that 10,000 kilometers away.

"It's totally fine, see - !" You held on to the armrests of the chair, balancing your wobbling legs, only for one of them to buckle underneath your body weight when you let go of the chair. As you caught yourself, you looked back to the phone, hoping that Francis did not see you slip.

Breathing a sigh of relief, you sat back down. "Actually, I decided to listen to your great opinion, because I am very understanding - ! - ...not because I slipped..." You muttered the last part as you watched Francis visibly relax.

Relaxing back into the soft cushions of the arm chair, you let out a sigh. "It's so frustrating, really, getting ill just when Shina went to boarding school." You fiddled with the hem of your dress, pouting. "Ah, but, I'll get to see her when she comes back for the holidays next month -! I wonder if she misses her dear mom as much as I do~ ."

"I'm sure that Shina misses you as much. You are a great mom (Y/N)."

Feeling bubbling in your chest, you giggled, waving one hand as you cup your warm cheek with the other. "You take too little credit~, but really, even if it is a top school, why doesn't it let the kids call their parents.."

It's so strange- !




The clock on your dresser started beeping, and you sat up straight, smiling apologetically to Francis. "I have to go take my shots now, talk to me tomorrow okay ?"

"Goodnight, my dear."

"Goodnight~ !" You waved at the screen, before hanging up.

This happy family of three was nearly a dream, if not for the fact you were living it right now.

This is really short (whoops). Also this is what we call 'dramatic irony' yay ! Also Fitzgerald has one long ass name. 

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