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"Hey, wake up. We're late !"
" What took you you so long Green, come on!"

"Ugh, hold on... Give me a moment to collect myself." Slyver said as he woke up, he then got up from his bed, and took a shower. Surprisingly he did it so fast that Green doesn't even notice.

"Alright, I'm ready." Said Slyver.
"Wow, that was... Fast." Green surprised.

Then, the went outside to their own destination. On the way, the seems to have a conversation about something.

"So, what's your plan ?" Ask Slyver.
"About ?" Ask Green.
"Your future." Slyver responded.
"Well, no more than to become a Great Archer. What about you ?" Ask Green back.
"All about being a swordmaster. I've trained hard to become one. What about you Arcanic ?" Ask Slyver.
"Huh ?" Ask Arcanic.
"What's your plan for the future ?" Ask Slyver.
"... Don't know." Arcanic responded.
"At least set up a goal or something like that." Slyver tried to lure Arcanic to talk.
"Hmm... I have no idea, I just... Can't." Arcanic hesitated.
"Don't be pessimist about it, you taught us to believe on ourselves, to god's plan. I'm sure you'll get yours." Said Green.
"Yeah... I know." Arcanic nodded.

After a while, they reached Green's destination, the Valor's shooting range.

"Well, here I am. I'll see you two later !" Said Green as he entered the shooting range.
"Bye !" Said Arcanic and Slyver.

A few moments later...

"A nice day huh..." Said Slyver.

Arcanic nodded.

"Come on, at least cheer up or something, you're making me tired of it." Slyver said.

Once again, Arcanic silents...

"You clearly have something in mind, don't you ? Go ahead. Talk to me." Slyver said.

After a few minutes, Arcanic looked on his face with hesitation. But decided to talk about his problem.

"I... Have some issues." Arcanic said.
"I'm starting to lose hope. I don't know why, I feel like I'm not doing anything useful." Arcanic continued.
"Being weak... Helpless, lazy..." Arcanic mumbled.
"... Don't be like that, you helped a child by buying him some foods, you give a beggar almost everything you have. You taught me many kinds about kindness." Slyver said.

Arcanic silents...

"You have one thing that people rarely use, intelligence. You give away your riches to help the poor that needed more. When you're confronting a problem, you choose to solve it peacefully than to go straight fist. You took others suffering to make them better. You're one from so many people that does that, and I'm happy about it. You taught me and Green many things about knowledge, whether it's related to your thing or ours. It doesn't matter, you made us move forward to our dream. What you need is someone to motivate you."  Slyver said.

"I guess that's my problem... Thanks for listening." Arcanic thanked him.
"We'll figure this together... And speaking of that..." Said Slyver.
"That's your destination. Good luck !" Slyver said goodbye, Arcanic waved his hands and then entered the academy.

To be worthless, or to be known ?
To ignore, or to accept ?
To see, or to feel ?
To seek a sweet lie, or to seek a bitter truth ?
For few, or for many ?

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