1:The day I met him

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Introduction about your character

Hey guys. I am Park Chaeyoung and I am 17 years old. I have a brother named Park Chanyeol and a sister Park Jisoo. I have 3 best friends Jimin, Jungkook and Taehyung.
My life is quiet simple. It's the first day at my new school and I am lazy to go.

Chaeyoung's POV

"Youngie wake up!!! You are gonna be late for school."

Aish I know this person. My annoying brother PARK CHANYEOL. He wakes me up early every single day and I can't even get enough sleep. He is really so annoying. Arghh

"Chaeyoung come on it's your first day."- Chanyeol

"Ne oppa I'm coming"

I lazily made my way to the bathroom and did my morning routine. I went to closet and wore a cute T-shirt with skinny jeans and my favorite sweater. I went down and saw omma abba jisoo and yeol eating their breakfast.

"Oh wow ! The sleepy head finally woke up huh ?!" Omma teased me.

"Omma~" I whined

"Stop whining. You are gonna be late for school." Omma reminded

"Oppa come palli let's go! " I said hurrying


At school

"Youngieee!!~~ " - I heard my friends call me as soon as they saw me.

"Jiminie, Kookie, Taehyungie I missed you all soooo much." I said hugging them

"Yeah missed you too Jagi" Jimin said still hugging me

"Yah don't call me Jagi" I blushed and said

Jimin always calls me Jagi without a reason. Even though I secretly love it I don't admit it. Every time he calls me jagi I blush. He knows that it has an effect on me.

"Ok Jagi." - Jimin pinched my cheek while laughing

"Ok you two stop it it's time to go to class. Chaeyoungie see ya at lunch bye. - Taehyung said and made his way to the classroom with Jimin and Jungkook following him.

"Bye noona" - Jungkook
"Bye jagi" - Jimin

"Bye" I chuckled

As I was walking to my classroom I bumped into somebody.

"Oh I am so sorry" - I said and bowed quickly

He just glared at me and walked away.

"Jerk" I mumbled and went to my class.

I knocked on the door and a middle aged lady opened the door and I guess she is my new teacher.

"Excuse me I am the new transfer student" I said

"Oh you might be Miss Park" I nodded

"Please introduce yourself Miss Park"

"Annyeong haseyo. I am Park Chaeyoung. Nice to meet you all and I hope you all would take good care of me." I bowed

All the boys were head over heels but the girls just glared. Yes I am beautiful and makes any boy speechless. Haha joke.

"I am Mrs Lee. I will be your class teacher for this year. Now you may sit beside Mr Byun. Baekhyun please raise your hand." Mrs Lee said

I looked over and saw the boy whom I bumped into few minutes ago. OMG!!!  I didn't know he was in my class.

I slowly walked towards him and sat beside him. I could feel someone staring at me. So I turned my head and saw Baekhyun staring at me.

"Why are you staring at me like that?? " I asked kind of annoyed because it was uncomfortable.

"Why? It's my eyes and I can do whatever I want to" He said still looking at me

"ish" I muttered

"Cute" Wait did I hear it wrong ?! Did he just say cute???

I was cut off from my thoughts because of the bell.

Time skip

It was lunch break and I was about to go out when I felt somebody holding my wrist.  I tuned around to see Baekhyun.

"What do you want" I asked clearly annoyed. He was disturbing me the whole time either by talking or poking me.

"will you sit with me for lunch?! " He asked

"Why should I ?! I don't even know you that much.  I said

"Yeah exactly and I wanna know more about you --

"Youngieeee" He got cut off by my buddies

"Jagi let's go for lunch " I could see Baekhyun glaring at Jimin. So I acted along.

"Ne Jagi kaja " All four of them were shocked

"WHAT?!!!!" Jungkook asked eyes almost popping out

I just shrugged it off and walked towards the lunch hall.

From the corner of my eyes I could see Jimin blushing and Baekhyun glaring. I smirked.

Baekhyun's POV

I don't know what's wrong with me. She truly has some effect on me. I just don't know I am confused.

I disturbed her to see her getting mad because it's so damn cute and when she called that Jimin guy Jagi my blood started boiling. What is this feeling??

"Baekhyun hyung~" I was interrupted from my thoughts by Kai

Chaeyoung's POV

"baekhyun hyung~" I turned around and saw a handsome guy. His skin was tanned and he had beautiful eyes and I was staring at his beautiful features for so long.
I had a weird kind of feeling which I have never experienced before.

Is this what they call love at first sight?!


What do you think would happen between Kai and Chaeyoung?!

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Love y'all 💕

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