21: Taetae

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Chaeyoung's POV

"Then we fought because that guy was acting like a jerk.... Young??" Taehyung was talking and talking but I couldn't concentrate. We were hanging out cause he said he was bored and had no one to talk to. I was lost in thoughts. Yesterday was a great day because now I know that bacon loves me. But it was bad as well. I can't think straight.

"Are you okay??" Taehyung kept asking.

"Yeah.... I guess??" It somewhat came out like a question.

"What happened to you?? Tell me." Taehyung was the first person I became friends with in Taekookmin. TBH I trust him the most with secrets. He takes care of me like I'm his little sister. That's why he's my favorite friend.

I started explaining everything to him.


"Where were you and who was that??" He came out with anger written all over his face. TBH I was terrified.

"I.... I was with a friend."

"Oh I see. Do friends always kiss??" He asked me sarcastically.

I stayed silent.

"Park Chaeyoung start talking to me !!" He was clearly frustrated.

"Sehun....I...." For some reason I didn't wanna tell him the truth. He maybe my ex but, it makes me feel like I'm cheating on him or something. I know it's crazy but I just feel that way.

"Hun leave her. Chae go upstairs. We will talk about this later." Luhan oppa came at the right time and saved me.

"But she was ki--"
"I said we'll talk about this later." Luhan oppa cut Sehun off.

I just went upstairs silently.

End of flashback

"So did you guys talk about it ??" Taehyung asked me.

"No. I was thinking of ways to get rid of Sehun and here I am." I said.

"So you are here because you wanted to escape from him?? I feel like I'm being used." He joked. I chuckled.

This is why he's my bestie. He knows how to make me laugh.

"Haha. Stop it. It's so hilarious that you are making my sides hurt." I joked.

"Hehe. So what are you gonna do?? You can't just hide all the time." He asked me.

"Well that's what I'm thinking about. But there's another thing which is bothering me. Why is Sehun acting so mad?? I thought he didn't care anymore as we broke up." I started pouring out my thoughts on to Taehyung.

"Maybe he never stopped liking you. I don't know. There is no other explanation for that I guess." He said while shrugging.

"I actually don't think so. Anyways let's hit the mall. I have to buy some stuff." I started getting up.

"Mall ?? Why not an arcade or maybe the movies ?? Cmon, you know I hate the mall." He started whining.

"Shut it and walk." I know I'm a bit bossy but, that is the only thing that works when you have guy friends.

"Fine." He dragged his feet behind me.

The mall

I am checking out cool new outfits that just arrived at the store while Taehyung is sulking.

"We were supposed to hang out. Come on Chae, we are supposed to go to something fun. It was better being bored at home. At least I could watch TV." He won't stop complaining.

"I'll get you something later." I offered.

"You better do something like that." He said looking bored.

We finished shopping..... Wait... I finished shopping and we decided to go to the food court.

"Youngie??" Someone called me. I turned around to see......

Who was that ??
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