5: A day out with my besties 💞

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Chaeyoung's POV

Now all four of us are going to the amusement park. We talked on the way and finally we reached our destination (GPS 😂)

"Yayyyy let's go !!! Come on" Taehyung dragged me shouting all the way. He is really an excited baby

"Ne ne I'm coming. " I said trying to catch up with him

Jungkook and Jimin were busy thinking about which ride to go on first

"Yah let's go ride the rollercoaster " I said excitedly

"A-re yo-u s-ure abo-ut th-at?? " Jimin asked stuttering. Yeah he is scared of rollercoasters

"Yeah I'm sure" I said and dragged him all the way to the ticket counter

Jimin sat next to me while kook and Tae sat together right behind our seats. I looked at Jimin and he was really sweating and freaking out. I chuckled and held his hand

"I am here. Don't worry " I reassured. He slightly blushed and nodded

As the ride started Jimin started screaming and asking for the ride to stop. While I was laughing and enjoying. Jimin held on to me the whole time. Soon it was over and we exited the ride.

"Where should we go next?? " I asked

"home" Jimin said all dizzy. I chuckled

"Let's go eat something I'm hungry " Jungkook said rubbing his tummy

We all went to a nearby restaurant and started ordering our food.

"So how is everything with both of you?? " Kook asked pointing at me Jimin

"Well....We are fine"
"Best friends" Jimin and I said together

"I see.... Well are you still going out with Kai tonight?? " Jungkook asked

I looked at Jimin and said "No-"
"Yes" Jimin cut me off

I was shocked

"Oh then after this I'll send you home. You have a date youngie " Taehyung said drinking his juice

"Ne" I said still looking at jimin

"I'll come now.... I have to use the washroom" I said excusing myself and gestured Jimin to come along and he did.

"what happened?? You asked me not to go" I questioned jimin

"I just realized that you are supposed to be my bestie. Not my girlfriend. Even though I love you I have get over it " He said genuinely

"I am not supposed to control your life" He added

"I'm sorry " I whispered

"for what??"

"For hurting you" I said still looking down

"you didn't hurt me. I'm hurting myself and that is why I'm letting you go... Come here" He hugged me

"I love you Park Chaeyoung"

"huh " I asked looking up

"I mean dongseng " I chuckled

"Are you guys done because we have to get her home" Jungkook asked ruining our friendly moment

"yep" We both replied awkwardly

"Good come on"

They dropped me off at my home and they said all the best to me. Those dorks jinjja

I quickly went upstairs and got ready. My phone started buzzing.

It was Kai

"Chaeyoungie I'm here" He said through the other line

"Yah coming"
I hung up and quickly went downstairs

I opened the door and there he was standing with a bouquet. He looked stunning. I was shook.

"You look beautiful " he said giving me the flowers

"You look handsome too " I said blushing

"Let's go then" He asked holding my hand


I entered his car and it wasn't awkward at all. We talked about so many things like his hobbies, old school and then a topic came suddenly....


"So this hyung really is weird nowadays. He's acting cold" Kai said

"Oh " I replied

Finally we arrived at a fancy restaurant

"Kai this is expensive " I said

"it's alright. Enjoy okay" he smiled

We walked in and started ordering. Now we are waiting for the food.

"so tell me about yourself" Kai said breaking the silence

"well I am 17 and I have a brother park chanyeol. My eomma and Abba are owners of some big company which I'm not interested in. " Kai chuckled as I said. I seriously don't like company stuff as its business and competion. I wouldn't survive that. So I'm not choosing that path.

"Do you know something?? " he asked

"what is it?? " I made a curious face

"The moment I saw you I started lik---" Kai was cut off by a chair being pulled from our table. When we turned around it was........ Baekhyun

She is only mine | Baekhyun FFWhere stories live. Discover now