18: He saved me

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Chaeyoung's POV

"You like Byun Baekhyun" These words are being repeated on my mind. I went out of the house because I wanted some fresh air to think. But now I lost track of the location. I am lost 🤦

It's pretty dark and to be honest I am scared. Suddenly I heard footsteps following me. I turned around to see drunk men. They were in majority and now I'm surrounded by them. I'm really scared...

"Hey beautiful. Wanna have fun?? Come here..." He held my hand and I was trying to pull away.

"Stay still babe" One of them smirked.

"I am not your babe. Now let me go." I tried to be confident but this is scary. Somebody please save me.

The one holding me was leaning closer. I cried and closed my eyes shut tightly. God help me....

I didn't feel anything so I opened my eyes to see them on the ground. Baekhyun????

Baekhyun beat and punched everybody and I was frozen and amazed.

After that the men ran away

"Get in the car." He said plainly.

"Why should I?? I don't mean anything to you right??" I turned around to walk while he started speaking.

"PARK CHAEYOUNG GET IN MY CAR THIS INSTANT." I was scared so I had no choice but to enter his car.

Nobody dared to speak. It was an awkward silence. Baekhyun didn't start the car, so I looked at him and saw that he was looking at me.

"Why were you outside at this hour??" He asked me seriously.

"I wanted to take a walk...." I replied looking down.

"At night and far away from your house?? Don't you know that you are supposed to be inside ??" He started lecturing me.

"Why do you care so much about me anyways??" I asked in my non audible voice but I'm pretty sure he heard it.

"Because I......." He stopped his sentence and sighed.

"You what?? Yesterday I was nothing to you right?? Why do you care suddenly huh??" I suddenly started crying. I don't know anymore. Luhan's words are flashing through mind. Do I love him??

"Chaeyoung......" He suddenly hugged me.

"I didn't mean it. It was my anger that took over me. I didn't know what I was talking about. I am sorry......" He tightened the hug and continued.....

"You mean alot to me"

She is only mine | Baekhyun FFWhere stories live. Discover now