14: Fake boyfriend

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Baekhyun's POV

They were both hugging each other. I can't do this anymore. I think these both are dating or something. I think I should continue acting cold towards her. No no... I am not acting. I'm really angry at her. I left the rooftop because I didn't want to see them anymore.

Chaeyoung's POV

Luhan oppa broke the hug and asked me a question.

"Do you want to make him jealous??"

"What?? Why?? How??" I asked.

"Too many questions for me to handle. Just listen... I will help you in finding whether he likes you or not. Clearly he likes you. But I will just confirm it for you." Luhan oppa said.

"Great. But how??" I asked. Great plan. But how??

"Fake boyfriend" This guy is crazy. I swear.🤦

"What are you talking about Mr.genius ??" I asked.

"We have to make baekhyun jealous. So the perfect person for that would be a fake boyfriend." He explained.

"Who are you thinking about??" I asked.

"Do you know my brother?? Well twin brother to be exact." He asked.

"Yeah. What was his name again?? Sehyun- Seehu-n.... Ah Sehun. Right??" Sehun is Luhan oppa's twin brother. Wait..... Is he saying.....

"Yeah Sehun. He's gonna be your boyfriend." He said and my eyes were bigger than kyungsoo's eyes.

"Whatttt??!!!" I kinda yelled at him.

"Relax. He will be your fake boyfriend paboya. So don't worry. Ish this girl." He said while hitting my head lightly.

"Will it work out?? I mean Sehun and I might not go well with each other. You remember about everything right??" I asked. Sehun was my ex. Well kinda. We broke up right after one week of our relationship as he had to move away. But no biggie. We are still friends though.


"Jagiya I have to tell you something." He was kinda nervous.

"What happened sehunnie??" I asked worriedly.

"I ha-ve to g-o to Chi-na" He said.

"So what's wrong with that??" I asked.

"I am not going for a vacation. I'm going to live there Young ah..." He looked down. He looked like he was about to cry.

"W-hatt" I asked. I was shaking. He can't go away.

"Sorry Jagi" That's it. He broke down. Tears were pouring down from both our eyes. We have known each other for years and we both liked each other alot. But Sehun didn't have the courage to ask me. When he did this is happening to us.

"it's alri-ght sehunnie... It's for your future." I said trying to fake a smile. I don't want him to know that I am completely broke inside.

"You are much more important to me Youngie" He said holding both my cheeks.

"We can still be f-riends r-ight??" I asked. Yeah breaking up is better. I don't wanna make him go through the pain of a long distance relationship.

"You are breaking up with me??" He asked while his eyes were wide.

"Long distance relationship won't work out Sehun ah. I don't want to make you go through all that trouble." I said looking down at the floor. I am crying a river right now.

"It won't be a trouble for me youngie. But okay fine. Let's still me besties. Deal??" He asked trying to smile.

"Yeah besties forever." I said giving him a weak smile.

1 year later

Phone call

"Youngieee" Sehun screamed happily across the line.

"Yah paboya I have been waiting for your call. How are you??" I asked.

"Not fine. Miss you paboya" He said making crying noise.

"Quit it. When are you coming??" I asked.

"Probably next year.... Oh youngie gotta go. Eomma is calling. Bye" He said.

"Bye" I hung up.

Flashback end

He has been calling me since he left. Like we promised each other we are besties. We still are besties. But this fake boyfriend might me a little awkward for us. Who am I kidding?? It will be really awkward. I dunno...

"Yah what are you thinking??" Luhan oppa asked me snapping me out of my thoughts.

"Will it be okay oppa??" I asked.

"Trust me. It will be." He smiled reassuringly.

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