3: A new found friendship

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Chaeyoung's POV

At school

"Chaeyoung!" I turned around because someone called me and it was.......


"Hey Chaeyoungie~" He said with a beautiful smile

"Hey Kai" I said

"Can I ask a question?" He asked looking down

"Yeah sure"

Do you u-mm hav-e a b-boyfriend?? " He asked

"Nope" I replied

"Ah jinjja??" He seemed very happy

"Ne Wae?? I asked

A-ah n-othin-g just simply" He was stuttering like anything and I found it cute

We got cut off by the bell. We said goodbye and went to our classes

Time skip

The teacher was explaining about something which I wasn't interested at all. So I decided to look outside the window. But I could feel eyes on me. So I turned around and saw.....baekhyun.

"What?? " I asked

"What is happening between you and Kai?? " He asked seriously

"Nothing. We are just friends and -- wait why should I tell you about that anyway. " I just turned around and decided to the boring lecture

"Well friends don't blush. " He is getting on my nerves now

"Why do you care so much??? " I said a little loud and all the students turned around.

"Miss Park get out of my class. " All students looked at me with envy clearly because they are soooo bored because of the lecture. Actually I am kinda happy too.

"Someone got kicked out"

"Ahhh~~ You scared me " I said glaring at Kai

"I am sorry" He said laughing

"Keep on laughing " I said annoyed

"okay okay I'm sorry " He said trying to stop his laughter

"You better be" I said glaring but I melted at his cuteness

"Can you hangout with me today after school?? " He asked shyly

"Are you asking me out on a date?? " I asked smiling to myself

"Ye-noo.. I mean just a friendly da-ate" He said blushing

"Well okay" I replied with a smile

"yayyyyy. "
"I mean pick you up at 7" he said trying to be serious

"Yeah ok" I chuckled at his cuteness

Time skip lunch

I sat with Taekookmin (that's what I call them 😂)

"So....How is everything with Kai?? " Taehyung asked clearly teasing me

"what everything?? What Kai huh?? " Jimin asked all seriously

"Well she is going on a date with Kai" Jungkook said making Jimin boil with anger

"WHATTT???!!!" He bursted

"Jimin calm down" I said trying to make him calm

"YOU... Come with me " He grabbed my wrist and dragged me to the rooftop

At rooftop

"Jimin leave me. It's painful " I said trying to get his hand off

"Is it true?? Are you dating that guy?? " Jimin asked with anger boiling

"No j-imin. We are just going on a friendly dat-e " I replied terrified

"No you are not going" He said still mad

"Why?? " I had the courage to ask him why

"because you are MINE" He replied while a tear dropped on his cheeks


What will happen between Chaeyoung and Jimin.
Will she accept Jimin or Kai??

She is only mine | Baekhyun FFWhere stories live. Discover now