11: She's my everything

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Chaeyoung's POV

I picked up the phone.

"hello ??"


"Yes.... Who is this??"

"You really forgot about me?? How can you do this to me?? You always say that I'm your favorite oppa right??"

"Luhan oppa??!?!" No wayyy. Luhan oppa was my favorite and only best friend I had before the taekookmin. He was so close to me. But he had to go to US.

"Ne ne. Where are you paboya?? I have been waiting outside your house for the past 10 minutes"

"Mianhe oppa. I'll come now. Bye"

I hung up and turned around to face baekhyun.

"Who was that??" He asked. He sounded pissed.

"My childhood bestie. Well I gotta go. See yo-" He cut me off
"I'll drop you" He said. I nodded.

At home

I quickly jumped out of the car as I was so excited to see him. And there he was standing facing the other side. I quickly back hugged him.

"Lu oppaaaa" I squeaked

"Youngieeee" He turned around quickly and lifted me up.

"Yah put me down oppa." I said playfully hitting his chest.

"I missed you paboya. You look so beautiful. You have changed a lot" He said putting me down.

"Well you look so handsome too. I bet you have alot of girlfriends now." I teased him. He used to pretend to be my boyfriend when we were small as both of us were single. Everybody thought we were in a relationship and he always said that by acting like my boyfriend he is also protecting me from other boys who like me.

"Nope. You're my only girlfriend." He said.

"ehem" Somebody cleared his throat and it was obviously baekhyun.

"Lu oppa this is my....friend baekhyun" I introduced him.

"Hey baekhyun. I am Luhan. Chaeyoung's favourite guy and she's my everything"

"Stop it oppa." I said shyly

"Chaeyoungie I'm leaving" Baekhyun said

"Stay for dinner" I insisted

"No I have plans. Bye" He waved. I waved back and watch him leave.

Baekhyun's POV

Why is it hurting so bad. Seems like they are too close. I really hate it. Ish... At school I already have Jimin and Kai to fight. Now this guy. Ughhh..... But it's a relief that he is not in our school. I admit it. I love Park Chaeyoung.


She is only mine | Baekhyun FFWhere stories live. Discover now