7: Rooftop awkwardness

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Chaeyoung's POV

Next day morning

"Why are you smiling so much paboya?? " Ish this guy 😑 I hate you Park Chanyeol.

"Wae?? I can't smile in this house?? " Well that will be good for a comeback. Anyways I'm smiling because of something.... Actually because of someone. Guess 😜
Yep baekhyun

I never thought that jerk would be this nice and friendly. Yesterday we talked all night and I really enjoyed my time with him. It's actually quite weird because two days ago he was an annoying bastard. But today he's an angel 😇😂

"Stop daydreaming and start getting ready for school" This guy again. I swear I'll kill him one day.

I did my morning routine and wore my outfit.

"Eomma Abba Jisoo bye! Channie oppa let's go " I dragged this Yoda to the car

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"Eomma Abba Jisoo bye! Channie oppa let's go " I dragged this Yoda to the car.

At school

"Bye oppa. See you in the evening. " I waved and started moving to the hallway

"Youngie~" Someone called me and I turned around to see Baekhyun.

"Hey baek" I said smiling at him

"Ani. oppa" Baekhyun said doing aegyo. He was cute to be honest. I couldn't help but smile.

"Ne ne bacon op-..oops" I sticked my tongue out and ran away. He started chasing me and he was fast enough to catch me. We reached the rooftop.

He started tickling me.

"Bae-k- j-ebal st-op" I said between my laughs

"Call me oppa first " he said

"Ne Bacon oppa " he stopped tickling me and suddenly we realized we were in this awkward position where baek was on top of me.

We were both staring at each other and suddenly somebody open the door and I turned to look and it immediately closed. Then I cleared my throat and stood up.

"Mianhe" he said while standing straight

We were both blushing like anything. We didn't know how to start a conversation. So I started it.

"W-ell u-mm I'll g-o no-w" Ugh I stuttered

"Yah ok" He said

"What is it o-ppa?? " I asked

"Wi-ll y-ou wai-t for me outside the s-chool a-fter the classes?? " he asked while looking down

"Yeah okay" I replied

He smiled and walked away.

What will happen between baekhyun and Chaeyoung.
Read the next chapter to find out 💕

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