30: Moving on

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Baekhyun's POV

"We are done." The moment I heard those three words come out of her mouth, I felt my heart shattering into a million pieces.

"Chae--" She cut me off again,

"Don't bother. Guys please get me out of here." She said, turning towards her friends. Seeing her cry made my heart break even more.

"Please Chae, just let me explain." I pleaded. At this point I felt tears coming from my eyes.

"Oppa, why are you wasting your energy explaining to this worthless women ?? I will do the explaining for you. Hey Missy, I'm Bae Suzy who will soon become Byun Suzy. If you thought oppa loves you, then you're wrong. Baekhyun oppa actually loves me and only me." She said and I wanted to slap her at this point. But can't, she is a lady.

"Who do you think you are bitc--" Taehyung covered Jungkook's mouth again.

"I can't believe that you're actually trusting this guy. Don't you have anything inside your head woman ??" Jimin asked Suzy coldly. I knew he was angry cuz his jaws were clenched and his knuckles were white. He can't stand it when Chae is sad.

"Oh sorry but, do I know you ?? BTW the answer to your question is, I love him a lot and I have brains unlike somebody who shall remain nameless, who tries to steal other peoples fiancé." She said looking at Chae. Jimin was about to burst out when Chae stopped him. I couldn't do anything. I was frozen.

"Hey whatever your name is, for your damn information, your fiancé was the one who came to me. He was the one who said 'I love you', not me. He always had that sincerity in his eyes and I thought he was genuine. Who knows ?? He might be cheating on you too and BTW, you should try changing your name to 'idiot'. It will suit you cuz no one with the right mind will be with him after knowing that he has another girlfriend." She said and Suzy was shocked. Taekookmin was trying their best to hold their laughter.

"Yah, who do you think you are ??" Suzy asked pissed off.

"Not an idiot, that's for sure." She replied.

"And you..... Stay away from her." Jimin said seriously to me.

They walked away and she didn't even look back. Does she hate me that much ??

I starting letting my tears out. I lost the one person I loved the most and

I haven't felt this heart broken ever in my life. I hate my life. I hate Eomma. I hate Suzy. I hate myself.

Chaeyoung's POV

Right now, all four of us are at my house. Taekook are comforting me while Jimin is walking around the bedroom in circles thinking hard.

"CHAE. ARE YOU OKAY ?? I'M SO SORRY THAT I TRUSTED THAT JERK." Luhan oppa kept asking me questions.

"I'm fine oppa. I just don't want to hear his name ever again." I said looking down. He nodded.

"You know what ?? Why do you need a boyfriend when you have all of us as your boy friends ??" Taehyung said trying to lighten up my mood. We all laughed at that.

Yeah. Why do I need Baekhyun when I have my best friends who are always by my side ?? They know how to make me laugh and I love all of them with all my heart. I have to move on eventually but, until then no more boyfriends. I have enough number of boy friends already and those dorks mean the world to me.

Do you think Chaeyoung will eventually move on ??

BTW, there is a surprise in the next chapter 🙈
Find out more in the next chapter.


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