33: Marriage

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Chaeyoung's POV

"Yah !! Park Jimin put me down !!" I shouted laughing a bit.

"Kay love." He said and dropped me in the water.

Right now we're playing at the beach cuz Jimin got a day off.

"Ah~~ I hate you." I said biting my lips. Which means I'm lying and he knows that very well.

"Try again Darling." He said chuckling.

"Whatever." I said trying to hide my blush.

"Whatever indeed." Jimin said laughing a bit.

After playing around for awhile we decided to sit down. Jimin suddenly looked at me seriously.

"What's wrong ??" I asked him.

"Chae, you know I love you right ??" I nodded and waited for him to continue.

"You told me that Baekhyun came and explained everything isn't it ?? Does he still have feelings for you ?? Look, it's not that I'm jealous or anything but, yesterday I met him at a cafe were me and the Taekook usually hangout. All three of us so Baekhyun and Suzy there. Even though Suzy was putting effort in grabbing his attention Baekhyun didn't even look back. He was acting coldly towards her." He continued.

"And ....??" I asked him.

"And I think he still likes you. He treats Suzy like shit. I'm pretty sure it becau--" I cut him off.

"So what ?? I don't care about that woman. She deserves it." I said.

"I know and that's not the point. I want you to answer me honestly okay ??" I nodded.

"Do you still have feelings for him ?? Its his marriage today evening. You know that right ??" He asked.

"Jimin...." I couldn't say anything.

"I take that as a yes.... Just go stop him before its too late Chae." He said and honestly I was shocked.

"WHAT ??!! Jimin he is getting married." I said.

"Exactly. Don't make me the reason for your disappointment. I know that you're staying with me even after knowing the truth only because you don't want me to get hurt." And it was true.

"Jimin.... I--" He cut me off.

"You love him. Chae, the only one dream I had before was to be your boyfriend and that happened. I would love to be your husband if I could too but, as much as I would be happy you wouldn't be. I know that. Your happiness is the only thing that I want. Please go and stop him Chae." He said with a weak smile and I hugged him.

"I.... I will. Thank you Jiminie. I'm sorry." I broke the hug and ran to the venue.


I suddenly bumped into somebody. I was panting hard cuz I was running all the way here. It wasn't that far though.

"I'm sor--" My whole world stopped when I saw Baekhyun in a suit right in front of me. This was just like the first time when we met. I bumped into him.

"Chae ?? What are you doing here ?? I mean... You are invited and everything but I didn't expect.... Never mind." He said.

"Baekhyun.... I have something to tell you. I know its late and everything but--" I got cut off by his mom.

"Baekhyun, its almost time. Stop flirting with other girls and get ready to be a husband." My heart broke knowing that he's gonna be Suzy's husband soon.

"Eomma--" He got cut off.

"Go." He looked back at me once again before leaving. He looked sad.

Time skip

The marriage ceremony started some time ago and it was really very painful to watch. I wanted to just run away but, decided to stay anyway.

"Bae Suzy, are you willing to take Byun Baekhyun as your husband ??" Suzy hesitated to answer that and before hearing the answer I decided to leave. Baekhyun will be married now any second.

I decided to leave Korea for good. US might be a good start. My cousin lives there in Texas. So Texas it is.
I packed my bags and left to the airport before writing a letter to Jimin and my friends. I took a cab and reached the airport.

Baekhyun's POV

"Bae Suzy, are you willing to take Byun Baekhyun as your husband ??" Suzy hesitated to answer that but she did anyway.

"No." Of course she would say yes-- wait... Did she just say no ??

"What ??!!" Everyone started questioning her.

"Baekhyun, even though we started dating I always knew that you never loved me. I was selfish enough to not let you be with your girlfriend. I have seen you very happy around her and I was jealous. I'm so sorry that I came in between your love story. I hate myself so much. So go get her tiger." She said giving me a weak smile. I was shocked and happy at the same time.

"Suzy, thank you so much. You're the best." I said looking through the crowd for her.

Suddenly I got a call from Jimin.

"Baekhyun, Chae is going to US. She wrote a letter and everything. Go to the airport now."

I feel like my world is crumbling down.

Sorry for the cliff hanger.

See y'all in the next chapter.

It might probably be the final chapter too.

Buh-bye ✌👋💖

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