23: The old Sehun is back

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Chaeyoung's POV

"So what are you guys up to now ??" Sehun asked us.

"On the way to the arcade." I shrugged and answered.

"Oh. Can I join?? I am really bored." Sehun asked us.

"Yeah sure." We both answered.

All three of us went to the arcade. Taehyung was jumping like a kid who just got a candy. He's really childish at times like this. But he tries to act cool at school. This only happens when he's around us.

Sehun and Taehyung started playing something while I just looked around the place. There were a lot to play here. Taehyung and sehun started playing air hockey and I did the job of a referee. Overall it was fun.

After playing at the arcade for like 2 to 3 hours we left to eat some ice cream. It was sehun's treat. It was fun playing around with him like the olden days. I love this version of Sehun.

"At least he knew that the alphabets started with 'a' hahhaaa...." Taehyung kept on babbling nonsense while sehun
laughed at everything and joked back.

"Can we go home now ?? I am tired." Mood killer alert.

"Kay. We can call it a day. Chae, you can come with me. Anyways we live in the same house right ??" Sehun said and I nodded. We said our goodbyes to Taehyung and split our ways home.

"Taehyung is fun. I thought all your guy friends are dull and boring." Sehun commented while driving.

"They are all fun once you get to know them." I stated.

"Yeah, and I wanna ask you one thing which is bothering me."

"Go on. What is it ??" I asked curiously.

"Who is that boy who you were kissing at the porch ?? Not that I am jealous or anything. As a friend its my responsibility to assure you safety." He cleared.

"Well he's my classmate, Byun Baekhyun. I kinda like him and yesterday he confessed that he likes me. That's all." I said.

"So..... Is he treating you well ?? Should I talk to him ??" He kept on firing me with options." That's the old Sehun I know.

"No no. He's good. You'll see him at school tomorrow." I informed.

"Fine. Let me see if he is eligible to be your boyfriend." He joked.

"Oh please. I know he is." We finally reached home.

I went upstairs directly. Tomorrow is gonna be a long day.

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