8: Jagi let's go

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Third person's POV

I saw everything. They both were staring at each other. I couldn't bare to see anymore. But why am I jealous?? I promised her that I will be a good friend. Why am I like this??

Chaeyoung's POV

After that incident I went to the canteen to have my lunch. Tae and kook said they are skipping school today. I didn't join them because Jimin looked sad for some reason. So I thought I would accompany him.

"Hey Jiminie" I said sitting in front of him.

"Hey" I could sense that he was dissapointed just by his tone.

"What happened to my pabo?? " I asked trying to cheer him up

"U-h no-thing" He replied while looking down. It's surely a sigh that he's hiding something.

"Oh looks like someone is hiding something from his jagi " I teasingly said and he immediately looked up.

"n-o I'm n-ot" He said stuttering which was the cutest thing ever. This Mochi is absolutely cute.

"Well ok then. I'm not gonna talk to you unless you tell me what happened" I threatened him. Well this would work.

"No.... I'll t-ell yo-u" He said. Ah finally

"Go on. What is the problem and how can I help you?? " I asked

"I saw something which I was--" He stopped and looked behind me. I turned back to see Kai.

"Hey. Can I sit here?? " He asked

"Yeah fine." I said and looked at Jimin. He was clearly annoyed.

"Well why did you go with baekhyun yesterday?? Didn't you like the date?? " Kai asked.

"No no I liked it. It's just I felt like it. Sorry about that" I replied

"It's fine. Just asking. " He said reassuringly. Jimin is now looking angry for some reason

"Do you remember our first date Jagi?? " Jimin asked and I was shocked. We did go out as friends but we never went on a date. But I decided to play along as he's already in a bad mood.

"Yeah I do. It was great " I commented smiling

"You guys went on a date?? I thought you were supposed to be best friends. " Kai said surprised.

"Why?? Best friends can't date?? And you both went on a date. Aren't you supposedly her friend too ??" Jimin asked and now I can sense the tension.

"Now we are. But we don't know what will happen in the future right "Kai said. Now he's angry too.

"Yah we don't. The future may not turn out to be so good. " Jimin said while smirking.

"Guys stop this. What are you doing?? " I said calming them down.

"Yah. Youngie let's go to class. It's English now" Jimin said.

"Yah you are right. Kai by--. " I got cut off by Jimin

"Jagi let's go"

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