35: Me and You (Final chapter 💖)

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Chaeyoung's POV

"Chae, thank you so much for coming with me. I am so happy right now." She was very excited. I was both excited and nervous. I'll finally get to see Baekhyun after 3 years.

Right then a door opened revealing the exo members. Everyone in the crowd cheered and he was standing there.

I felt butterflies in my stomach when he suddenly locked his eyes with me. They were singing Miracles in December and Baekhyun was staring at me through the entire song. I love his voice and missed it like anything.

"Yah !! Why is Baekhyun staring at you ??" Tzuyu asked me, confused and happy.

"Um... I... Tzuyu, I'll tell you later." I said and she eyed me suspiciously.

"Fine." She said and went back to fan girling and drooling over them. Ah !! This girl really.

Time skip

The concert is officially over and right now it's time for the VIP fans to get a backstage tour. Which includes me and Tzuyu.

"Ah !! I get to meet them in person. As in they will talk to me. I hope Kai oppa falls for me." Tzuyu said excitedly. OMG !! I forgot that Kai is also there. If only Tzuyu knew that Kai fell for me once and we even went on a date. She will probably kill me.

"Calm down dork. They won't leave without seeing you." I said and she just glared at me and continued whatever she was doing.

I was really nervous tho. My mind kept saying Baekhyun . Baekhyun . Baekhyun . Baekhyun--

"Chae ??" Luhan oppa came running to me and he hugged me tightly. He hugged Tzuyu too. We are all cousins remember ??

"I missed you pabo." He came back to me.

"You too oppa." I smiled widely at him.


"Oh, sorry I got a call. I'll be back in a minute." We nodded.

I decided to look around the place while Tzuyu went in a different direction.

I suddenly bumped into somebody cuz I wasn't looking. I almost fell down when the person wrapped their hands around me safely and helped me stand up properly. I looked up to see.... Baekhyun.

"C-Chae..." He whispered, still holding my shoulder.

"Baek..." I whispered and teared up seeing him again. The last time I saw him was on his wedding day.

"Why ?? Why did you leave me ?? Do you know how depressed I was Chae ??" His voice was breaking and seeing him like this broke my heart.

"Baek I'm sorr--" He cut me off by smashing his lips into mine. I missed it. I realized how much I love him and missed him. We kissed passionately and we slowly let go.

"Its okay, you're forgiven. Just promise me that you won't ever leave me again." He said and I smiled kissing him once again.

"I'd never leave you. Cuz we are Better Together." I said and he hugged me tightly.

"You look beautiful." He complimented and I smiled.

"Model from America love." I joked and he chuckled.

"Seems like I have to protect you from other boys cuz they might drool on you, America's top Model." He said and I laughed.

"I have to do the same thing with you too bacon." I said and he chucked.

She is only mine | Baekhyun FFWhere stories live. Discover now