2 : Kai

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Chaeyoung's POV

Suddenly he turned around and our eyes met. I could just melt now. His eyes are killing me. I quickly looked away.

"Well who is this pretty lady Baek ??" Kai asked still looking at me

"We will talk about that later. Now let's go" Baekhyun said glaring at Kai

"Ok then. Well nice to meet you....---" I cut him off
"Park Chaeyoung " I said

"Nice name. Well see you aroun--" Kai was cut off by baekhyun
"Just come palli"

"So....???? What is happening here?? " Jungkook questioned

"What do you mean? "

"I mean two things. One - Baekhyun and Kai
Two - You called Jimin Jagi"

"Well baekhyun is my seatmate and Kai just talked to me. About Jimin.... I just did it for fun. " I winked

"Well you just made him a tomato look at that kid's face. Taehyung said looking at Jimin

"Aw Jagi why are you blushing " I teased him more

"Stop it Chaeyoung" Jimin whined while blushing harder

We all laughed together

Kai's POV

I don't believe in love at first sight. But Chaeyoung just gave me butterflies the moment I looked into her eyes.

But I don't understand one thing. Why is this baekon hyung glaring at me so much ?

"Yah hyung what happened to you? Why are you looking at me as if something just bit you?? " I asked

"Nothing" He said glaring at me again . Seriously what is wrong with this guy?? I just shrugged it off.

Chaeyoung's POV

The school is finally over !! I said goodbye to my friends and waited for my oppa to come pick me up.

I felt somebody pat my shoulder and when I turned it was.....


"Hey Chaeyoung " He smiled at me. I love that smile so much

"H-hey" ughh I stuttered. It's because of that smile.

"So how are you going home?? " Kai asked

"My oppa is coming to pick me up" I replied

"Ah. Well how do you know Baekhyun hyung?? " he asked

"Actually I just met him. He is my seatmate. Wae?? " I asked him

"Well he was with you a while ago. So just curious " he replied coolly

Just then I saw my oppa's car from a distance.

"Kai that's my oppa. I guess I'll take a leave now. " I said giving him my brightest smile

"wait" he grabbed my wrist.

"U-um ca-n we be f-friends?? " he asked

"U-um sure... " I replied

"Yeahhh!! Thank you Chaeyoung-ah " He smiled at me and I chuckled at his cuteness

"Bye bye my friend. " I said and left him

She is only mine | Baekhyun FFWhere stories live. Discover now