31: A new life

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1 year later (A/N : surprise !!!😂)

Chaeyoung's POV

"Jagi, saranghae." He whispered from behind.

"Nado baby. Are you tired ?? You have been practicing for a while now." I said turning around to face him. He looked exhausted but still managed to look hot with that sweaty face.

"I am definitely tired. But, there is one thing I'm never tired of." He said giving me a cheeky smile.

"And what is that ??" I asked him curiously.

"You." He was already hugging my waist but, now he pulled me closer. As usual I blushed hard.

"Whatever." I tried to play it cool and hid my face by turning around.

"Yeah whatever indeed. BTW I have some news." He said and I turned around again.

"Proceed." I said and he chuckled.

"Byun Baekhyun is getting married in two weeks." He said and I was surprisingly okay with it. I mean, I took almost half a year to move on. But now I'm fine.... Right ??

"Jimin, I have nothing to do with that guy anymore. He is none of my concerns anymore." I said.

"Fine Jagi. I'm heading out to buy some groceries. Love ya." He gave me a peck.

"Okay. Love you too My man." I said and he chuckled giving me a flying kiss.

Yeah, I'm dating Park Jimin right now. After crying over Baekhyun for a while I finally decided to move on and forget about my past. Jimin eventually proposed me and I said yes. I mean, who can say no to that cutie. Well I can and I did but, then I realized how much he cared for me and I started falling for him.

Baekhyun tried explaining his side but, I only ignored him. I had to. After sometime Baekhyun and Suzy started dating for reals and Jimin and I started dating too. Luhan oppa found a new girl and is happy. Sehun is currently working so, no time for dating. Taekook are still behind girls. Jimin and I found a house and we are living together now. Jimin is actually training to be an idol and so are Taekook.

*ring* I heard the phone ring and picked it up from my pocket.

"Hello ??"

"Chae, we're going to arrive in 20 minutes alright ??" Taehyung said excitedly.

"Okay. See ya dumbo." I said and hung up quickly before he got the chance to say something stupid. Not in the mood right now.

*Ding dong*

"I'm home." Jimin said and I went to help him with the groceries.

After putting away everything I sat on the couch and Jimin joined. I was watching the TV while I felt a pair of eyes staring at me.

"Is something on my face ??" I asked confused.

"Yeah. Beauty." Jimin said and laughed at his own joke. My dork.

"I love you." He said out of the blue. He then moved closer and wrapped his arms around me.

We were both staring at each other and suddenly he started leaning in. He smashed his lips onto mine. I pulled him closer and right now we were making out on the couch. It was great but, suddenly.....

"Hey guys-- OH MAN HOLY SHIT !!!" Jungkook yelled immediately closing his eyes.

"At least lock the door fools." Taehyung scolded us.

"At least knock the door fools." Jimin snapped back.

"Oh my innocent eyes." Jungkook whined.

"Nothing innocent about it." Taehyung commented and we all laughed together.

I have my boyfriend and best friends with me. I am more than happy right now.

Yeah, 1 year.

Will add Baekhyun in the next chapter.

Its almost the end of the book.


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