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Birthday party part II



Ara runs towards our table, her hair swaying as she runs for us.

"Is this Ara? Wow! Your daughters are so pretty!" Mrs. Hana complimented.

"Of course, they're our children" as mama continues to pet Ara who was snuggling close to her bosom.

The party continues with the children laughing and running towards the hall, while the grown ups we're talking languidly to each other.

My mother and father was too distracted by their chatters so I slip out of my seat and walk away, my feet padding lightly into the stone cold surface.

I could see the door outside of the mansion. Since the children were playing and none of the maids and butlers were here but instead on the hall to attend the children's needs, I easily slip out of the door.

The big wide garden was like an ocean for me, so vast and full of exotic plants instead of fishes.

Like the garden of Eden, it was blossoming with flowers blooming with their natural beauty and color. The trees are so enormous, as if clouding the whole land. Prior to that is the small lights, like some numerous fireflies trapped into the trees, giving an enchanted look everywhere you gaze.

A small pond located in an area with a small pavilion built intricately with woods and steel. Splashing fountains, moving waters and wells are seen and the path made of stone leading towards a large bench with an arch topped with the most beautiful flowers and the path was lighted by the pendant lights hanging on a sturdy wire.

"This is something"

"Yeah, me and my father built it"

A voice so familiar to me was heard.

I look behind me and all I could do was to stood agape. His face was still the same, angelic to the point he looks like he was carved by the heavens. His features were delicate and a pair of black onix eyes glittering under the dark sky was enough for me to grip my hands and heave a breath.

I am still shock at his presence.

If he's already a man by then, maybe all I could do was to faint.

"What? Something wrong with my face?" he said with a gentle voice.

"No, I'm just taking a stroll here, and uh--its nice"

Great. Nice? That's all you could say after seeing this garden that made you awe a million times.

"Thank you, no need to be courteous though" he offered his hand at me while I look at it weirdly.

His laughter shake me to the core. I've never seen him laugh like that, he was always laughing but I could tell that it was fake.

His smile and gentleness, basically his whole being in front of others is only a pretense.

"I'm introducing myself to you" then he held his hands again and shake my hand forcibly.

"My name's Yuuto Azrael Johnson. What's yours?"

I already know yours, and i don't need to tell you mine.

Because if you knew my name, I knew that it'll be the start of my doom.


Hiiii!!! I'm updating a lot I know hahahha!!

Did you like this chapter, after all you all finally knew his name.

By the way I just wanted to say thank you to those who voted on my story. A million trillion thank you to you!!!!

And you know who you are!!!

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