The reason

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Home part I


"Rin! I've been trying to contact you for days but you wouldn't answer! Is there something wrong? Did something happened?!"

The frantic shouts of my sweet mother echoes throughout the silent night. Misa looks at me with a giggle passing between her lips. I shush her and answered mom.

"Nothing serious happened mother, I'm just too busy and the signal was too weak" I reassured her while I sip wine.

"Thank goodness! I thought something serious happened! Why did you have to tire yourself out?! Your father is still working and we still have money, how dare you overwork yourself?!" She exclaimed with much ferocity that I have to lengthen the distance of the phone towards my ear.

Ah! My mother is such a................mother.

After a bit of coercion and flatters, I immediately diffuse the bomb that is threatening to burst.

"Mom was too much, but still, I love her concern for us" my sister suddenly said after I hanged the phone.

"Well, mom and dad nags too much, but they know we secretly love it" I said while wriggling my eyebrows.

The two of us stared at each other, then laugh at our own understanding. Having a companion with you have it's perks too.

"Now that the signal seems to be good, I'll be calling Jamie" I said as i began to open my laptop. Beside me, my sister was smiling broadly while she takes another portion of my seat.

Jamie had crept at my sister's heart when we were at our lowest. I admit, I wasn't the most reliable sister ever, and I'm still learning. But with the help of Jamie, just uer words if encouragement for us made me feel proud that I'm her friend.

She really save me.

I was drowning in sorrow, beginning to become a numb person from our earliest day here in Ireland. My sister and Jamie were the two people that help me.

And as much as I know that it is hard to believe, Stefan became a part of my life.

And he actually save me too, in a different way though.

"-in! Rin! Hey, Rin!"

The sound of my familiar best friend woke me up from my stupor. I smiled at her immediately after seeing her face in the screen.

"Hey Jamie? How's life treating you?" I ask.

"Hello to you too Rin, and also Misa!" She said while waving at us. "Well, life's been treating me fairly well, so well though" her face seems to emit a faint glow of happiness.

I know that she's always happy to see us, but this time, her smile is way more different from the other.

"What is it?"

"Nothing" I said casually.

"Really? Then I won't tell you something about my life" she said in a none caring way.

We look at each other, screen to screen until a certain someone can't hide her curiosity.

"What is it Jamie? Can you tell me, I won't tell it to Rin promise!" Misa said as she pinky promise in the screen.

"Silly girl" I ruffled her hair while I smile dottingly at her.

"Fine, for our dear Misa. It's just that....."she looks at me, her mouth hestitating to say the words.

Then I finally understand.

Her glow of happiness, how life treats her well now, and the glint of something on her hands.

"Say it, I'm fine now" I reassured her.

"I'm.......I'm getting married!"

Then her words made my heart flip with so many emotions. I was happy for her, but my heart clench painfully at the sudden memories that floats through my mind.

"Congratulations Jamie! I'm so happy for you now!" Misa said while she claps at the screen.

"Me too, I'm happy for you" I said then Jamie looks at me in almost pity which lefts sour taste in my mouth. "Now don't look at me like that! I'm really happy for you, truly happy"

"Well then, the wedding starts in April. You know how much I love that month" she said in a dreamy sigh.

"Perfect! I don't think I can left my job. You know how much hectic it can be for teachers" I said in a heavy tone.

"Look at you know! Back then you wouldn't even look at other people, let alone cared enough to know if they are learning something!" She teases which made me laugh.

"Well, time changes people in different ways"

She only smile at me, after chatting about some random topics and about her wedding, I finally pushed Misa off of me to sleep now. Her eyes were so droopy I'm amazed she hasn't fallen over the floor.

After closing the door and making sure that everything is fine now, I went to my bed after cleaning myself.

Only the thoughts of returning back became the last memory of me until the darkness swallowed me up.


Happy New Year guys and girls!!!! 🤣🤣🎇🎉🎉🎆🎆

Hope you have a very nice new year end!!! Because I have!!!

There's so much food on us and earlier, we have a party which adds up to the excitement of the new year end.

But unfortunately, it was raining and we aren't able to enjoy much but it was still fun.

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