Caught up

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Rivalry part I


Sorry guys!! I didn't update because we have our own Christmas party!! See the pictures above!!

"Ara is still in the hospital" my mother worriedly said.

I turned to her as she continues to hold me, still afraid of what happened yesterday

Who wouldn't though? She almost loose another child of her, which mother wouldn't tremble in fear and become paranoid of that?

"It's okay hon, Ara just suffered a shock. It just grazed her hands, you know how much she fears blood" my father reassuringly said.

The two sighed and look at me in distress, while I only smiled at them faintly.

"Oh yes I almost forgot!" My mom said making me jump in fear.

"Ahh, that's right Rin. The doctor told us that her chance of waking up increased!" My father excitingly said.

The two of them were saying both things at the same time making me all confused.

"Is that so! I'm delighted to hear that!" smiling in a fake way.

What can I do? Jump in happiness after hearing that word over and over again?

They have said that for a million times yet Misa hasn't woken up. No matter how much it increased, it didn't change the fact that she's still in a coma.

Fighting for her life.

Soon, we were out of bed, exhausted while trying to get back to sleep after yesterday's events.


"You're coming right?" Mom asked me as she puts another bowl of rice into the box for Ara's breakfast.

"Yeah, I'm just checking up on her" I said, still focused at the broth I'm cooking.

Mom smiled at me and kissed my cheeks while I glared playfully at her. Soon, the kitchen was filled with laughter's as we suddenly forgot our own dilemmas.

I followed mom through series of turns, while she was talking to the doctor, I made my way first after knowing the number of Ara's room.

I was about to open the door when I heard laughter's coming from it. The door was slightly ajar and I step in,ooking through the small path of line.

It was Ara and Yuuto.

Laughing as they hold hands.

Ara was in tears after Yuuto made funny faces. They were so immersed with each other that they didn't even noticed me.

But I didn't even knew that I too, was lost into that scene.

"What a happy couple don't you think?" A sharp mocking voice startled me

I look to find the owner of the voice ajd was met by Sarah, still pale but her clothes were too vulgar as usual.

"Did I ask for your opinion?" I coldly remark.

Her laughs pierced my skin as she continues to laugh. Her eyes were filled of mirth, as if she was only the happiest when I was in my downfall moments.

"You're so pathetic. You think he'll like you, hah! You know that your engagement was only an agreement between your two family" her words sliced its way through my heart.

Ignoring the pain, I continued, "As I said, it wasn't me who choosed it, it was him, his own volition"

"Wow! You really made me speechless will your shamelessness" she said while I already turned my back

"Oh! FYI, it's not my fault that Stefan is head over heels for me. So don't tell me that I'm pathetic, because that word fits you more"


Hey guys!!!!! Did it satisfied you on how she Rin became a Savage???

Anyways, hope this chapter is to your liking.

Also, thank you all for the comments!!!! I really really really appreciate it!!!

Thank you so so much!!!!

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