A date

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A what?! Part I


Holding Alithia's hand on me, we left the house after I told my parents about my plans for today. They seem happy, joy was seen in their eyes as my mother hugged me tightly I almost can't breathe.

They were much more happy now, clearly the psychotherapy on Ara was going well.

"Where are we going aunty Rin?" Ali curiously ask.

I look downwards and saw Ali gazing at me with her wide bambi eyes. She look like a doll when she dressed so pretty with her white  lacy collared shirt with a blue ribbon with a sapphire like gem on the center paired with a mini sky blue skirt with white laces on the ends.

"We're going somewhere fun and you'll be my hero for today, how bout that?" I crouched towards and ask her.

"Okay! I'll be your hero! No dragon will come and eat you!" Ali said in a big voice clearly wanting to sound manly but it turned out as adorably cute.

"Ahh! My little Ali!" I said as I squeaze and kiss her plump fair cheeks.

I hailed a cab and listened to Ali's continuous tale about her friends and teachers. She was shy when she didn't know anyone but when you became close with her, she can be a real chatterbox.

We arrive in tje bustling carnival full of people of all ages. Immeaditely, Ali's eyes shined brightly as she gaze her eyes towards the area.

"Aunty Rin! Are we really going here?!" She ask as her head turned to every direction.

"Yep, but we have a person coming with us" I said.as I gaze towards the entrance.

"Another person? Who?" She ask, tilting her head in wonder.

"A bully. He always bully me so you'll protect me from him. You'll be my hero, remember?" I ask her.

She immediately begin to nod her head, her face scrunched up in concentration as she hugs my neck tighter. I couldn't help but laugh and smooch another kiss on her cheek.

After waiting for some time, a person whom i greatly despised right now has arrived. He was dresses in casual clothing, with a black colored v-neck, showing off his collar bones and a hint of his chest, coupled with his jeans emphasizing his long legs and...........

His perky butt.

I shut my eyes and force the images on my head to be gone. Now is not the time for those. As he sauntered his way towards the two of us, many people, mostly women, are gawking wide eye at him, their mouth slacking off as they followed with their eyes.

"Really? A carnival of all places?"

And once again, those images of a young handsome man with a gentle persona like in the novels were shattered because of his words.

"What? You wanted a date, so here it is" I told him and spread my hands.

He shook his head and some few strands fell in his eyes creating a lazy unconcerned feeling which made a lot of girls gasp as they hold onto their hands.

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