Yuuto and...

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Exams part I


Just to let you know guys:

Rin, Ara, Jamie, Stefan and Sara are 18 years old while Yuuto was 21.

Their in college now, sort of. As I have mentioned or not, they were being teached to become a lady, hence graduating or more like a ceromony of coming of age.

Thanks, back to the story:

"No-- Please n--no! Stop! No!"

I woke up with my back drenched in cold sweat, hands clammy as I took another deep breath. My mind is running with scenarios from before and I couldn't help but shed tears again.

Why are they punishing me again?

The steps outside my room was heard and before I knew it, my mother voice drown my tears and sobs as I kept holding on her body for dear life.

"Rin, darling, just breathe. Thats right! Slowly breath.... okay" she rubs my back as I continued to breathe just like she said.

"Is she okay now?" my father, still in his pajamas, worriedly ask.

I feel bad for them as I motionlessly daze at them, their eyes still hold those fears and questions everytime I suffered from nightmares.

"Mom? Dad? What happened?" Ara said while rubbing her eyes.

"Nothing sweetheart, go back to sleep" mom said reassuring her.

Ara looks at me, her eyes questioning mother's action but decided to not further dwell herself on it.

"Okay, sweet dreams to you mom and dad, also to you too Rin" then she was off.

I almost wanted to laugh at her ironic words, but I cannot due to the seriousness of this matter.

"Honey, did something happen to you today?" mom finally ask.

"Nothing, I'm-- I just dreamt of something bad" my voice was hoarse due to my cries.

They continued to comfort me while repeating tje wird "It's okay" and "It's just a dream".

They don't know how much I wanted it to be just like that.

After crying and sobbing all my fears away, I finally feet my eyelids getting heavier, and then I was out.



omeone was yet again caressing my head, it was so soft and so warm. My head burrowed itself naturally into that warm feeling and I sigh.

"Silly girl" then a low rumble was heard.

Opening my eyes, I look up towards the gaze of someone I despised, yet the only one whom I love.


His hair was messy, creating a lazy attitude coupled with his disarray button up shirt. He was smiling gently at me as he continuesly caressed my hair in a doting manner.

I closed my eyes and released a shaky breath, his presence were just too domineering, eyes full of emotions that made me close my eyes.

"What happened?" he ask, his voice so soft as if he was afraid that I'll be scared.

"Nothing, just a normal bad dream"

I stayed on my place as he continues to stroke my cheek gently. My mind was racing with so much thoughts and I could feel the familiar ache on my heart as I continued to lay down with him by my side.

"Don't worry, I'll make sure to be by your side, everytime you suffered a nightmare" his oath made me want to try.

But everything's already set.

The pieces have already on place and there's no way a mere no one like me can break through the barriers set by fate.

It will just hurt me, and it will only hurt us all.

"Do you trust me?" he lifts my chin as I gaze towards his eyes.

I could see silent pleas on him, his mouth set on a thin line as he continues to stare at me. My hands were itching to hold him close but my mind was telling me to stop.

Telling me that it was all wrong.

"I do"

But just now, let me feel this fantasy of mine. Let me relish on the fact that his eyes were on mine, that he finally knows me.

And most and fore all, let me satisfy this greed in my heart, just this time.


Hello guys!!!! Thank you so so much for those who give their comments on every chapter on my book.

It is greatly appreciated!!

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