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D-Day part II


"It's because I said so"

This egoistical prick!

He take off his hold on me and left the room leaving me behind, again. He always did that for a million times after confronting me.

Rubbing my neck, I glance at the door once more and leave. The buzzing in my phone was finally noticed and I saw a massive floods of text from Yuuto.

*Are you okay?*

*Why aren't you answering?*

*Did something happen? I'm going there now!*

And a lot more. I could have been jumping in happiness and glee if I didn't resign to my fate now. What's the use of smiling, if you're gonna cry later?

My phone rings and I immediately answers.

"Hello" with a bored tone.

"Rin! I thought something happened! What are you doing? Can't you reply to my texts?" He rambled on.

"I fell asleep" then theine went silent.

"Thank goodness, I thought something happen" he sighed in the phone. "Also...ugh...the reason I called is concerning the upcoming event" he adds.

Oh, yes, the engagement party.

"Yes?" I continued.

"And.....my mother wants you to come, you're not doing anything today right?" he seemed hestitant.

"I'm not"

"Great, I'll be there to get you" he said excitedly.

I turn off the phone and walk to my class. All along, the thoughts swirled on my mind creating a mess.

The class ended and soon, I was face to face with my sister.

"Rin! Let's go now!" she tried to take my arm but I avoid it.

"Yuuto will be here, and he'll send me to his mother to talk about the engagement party" her face suddenly started to pale and I felt a bit guilty.

But then I remember the pain in my chest for a couple of weeks, and the pain I'm about to experience in this whole ordeal.

"Oh, is--is that so?" She tried to smile but I could see he sadness in her eyes.

I accompanied her along the way to meet our driver, but before they left the school premises, I opened the window and ask Ara.

"You're gonna be there right?" I ask, my mind coming to a full focus.

"To where?" She ask naively.

"To the wedding, you're coming right?" I ask again.

"Of course, I mean, I have to! Your my sister and....and it's your, your biggest day" her words get smaller but I could see the promise she held in her eyes.

"Thank you, this wedding will absolutely be perfect"


"Mom? We're here!" Yuuto said as he opened the door and let me comes first.

Tsk. Gentleman.

"Oh my goodness! Rin you've become prettier the last time I saw you! Or maybe it's because I'm being bias over my daughter in law now!" Yuuto's mother teased as she hugs me tightly.

"Mom! Rin can't breathe!" Yuuto alarmingly said.

"Oh dear! Sorry! I was too excited! Are you okay my dear?" she held my face and checks my body up and down.

I laugh at them and continued to ignore their questioning gazes. After that whole fiasco, we settled into a discussion and eventually got lost into it.

"Oh my! It's already night time! Your parents must be worried!" Yuuto's mother suddenly said, I look at the closing and see it is already past 8.

"I'll drive you back" Yuuto said as he offered a smile.

We walk out of their house and drive across the city lights and the bustles of the night even though it's already dark.

Looking towards the direction of Yuuto, I saw his long lashes fluttering as he looks serious while driving. His mouth is formed in a thin line while his nose was perfectly upturned. I suddenly have the urge to hold his hand and face.

I just want to memorize it in my heart.

He pulled away as soon as our house was seen, but before he could open the car, I grab his hand.

"Rin?" He ask, his eyes looking directly at me.

"Can you please close your eyes?" I suddenly requested.

He look startled but he did what I say. I lean over to him, his face was so close to me and only the sound of ourselves breathing onto the air was heard.

Softly, I kissed his cold lips. He looks at me wide eyed, I didn't know how I knew because I, have my eyes close.

I didn't do anything, just let our lips touched and take all the emotions in. His cold soft lips on my warm ones created a sensation in my stomach. Tingling, I deepened it by pressing it innocently and I could hear his groan.

I immediately left his lips, gazing towards at him, ignoring his red blushing face.

"I promise you, I will give you the best and perfect wedding"


Sorry for the late update!! I was supposed to but I am currently in a bad condition right now.

Anyways, don't hate me on this one!! Just give her this chance!!!

Hope that you all have a great day and your health are totally fine!!!!

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