To whom who will live

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Between heaven and hell part II


"Miss me?"

It was him.

His hair was now tied in a bun, his face was bare for people to see.

"It's you" I whispered.

He seemed to hear my words as his feet walk towards my direction.

"What? Expecting someone? David, what's the update below?" He suddenly ask.

At his words, my mind turned blank as I grip my hand, trying to ignore the fear of not knowing what will happen to our savior.

"They are now surrounded by our men" David AKA. Scar face said while smirking at the three of us.

At those words, our shoulders slumped in defeat. Behind me, Ara was now in tears as she held Alithia's tightly in her arms. I couldn't exactly blame her for crying, we don't know when we will leave here.

Nor will we live here?

"Faster! Don't walk like a f*cking idiot!" David shouted to us.

Suddenly, he was punched by the long haired man. He didn't even avoid it nor get angry for it. He just simply lowered his head and wipe his face discreetly as soon as the long haired man left his sight.

"You okay my love, tsk, tsk! You shouldn't shout at women!" He lectured like an upright citizen when he was far from that.

After that little fiasco, we were thrown into a giant box. Ara immediately struggled as soon as the men took Alithia  away from her. Alithia cried her eyes out too. I soon tried to resist but a cold thing was placed on my neck.

It was a gun.

We were pointed by a gun, as well as Alithia. She was just a child and she's now experiencing this because of us, because of him.

My heart can't help but ache as soon as I saw my sister and Alithia being separated towards each other. Tears rolled off on their eyes continously as their hands tried to reach out for each other.

After we've been thrown inside the giant box, they locked it.

"Now, let them go up! He'll be here soon and choose who will live" the long haired man said in a sing song voice.

Suddenly, we were raised high up in the air, dangling inside of the high ceiling. Looking down, the floor was too low the probability of knocking down this transparent box was zero.

It was just impossible.

I look beside me and mouthed to my sister that everything will be fine, even though I know it's not.

The doors were now opened and all of us were holding our breath. Their shoes came in first as their faces we're now seen.

It was Yuuto.................with Stefan?

How the hell are they here? Together?!

My hands clench in a tight fist as I sit up, trying to see what will happen to us.

Then a light flash on the two of them, and then the long haired man suddenly mouthed out some words. Yuuto answered, his face grim as Stefan suddenly laugh for no reason.

I couldn't help but get angry at my situation. I can't hear them and their conversation may be the answer from all of my questions.

On how Yuuto became a part of this organization.

And how we get kidnapped and get tangled up into his mess.

Suddenly, the long haired man stop and gestured for the scar faced guy. He blew on the whistle and immeaditely, man of all ages surround the two of them.

Then the fight begun.

I closed my eyes and took a deep breath to calm myself. Ara wasn't in the right condition now, seeing her lover was now all bruised up and was limping because of the fight.

Stefan however was liking it too far.

Even though he already received a lot of punches and kicks, he still fought hard.

After the fight, the long haired man clap and gestured for them to look upwards. Instantly, their gaze met us as they stood frozen in their spot.

My eyes went towards Stefan, his gaze was on mine too as he mouthed the words "It's okay".

Although I can't hear him, I know for a fact that he did say that to comfort me in this kind of situation.

How funny though, he was the one who was bleeding and the one whose been beaten but he's the one who is comforting me.

Really, this guy.

My thoughts were still on his when we were suddenly thrown off into one side. My head bumps into the wall and I struggled to sit up again.

Yuuto and Stefan suddenly rush over to us, as if they think we're going to fall down.

Then the long haired man pointed out on the three of us. His words shook me but I already know that it is the end.

No matter what, I need to pay fate for letting me live again.


My mind's a mess right now and i honestly am tired. But if course, this story is getting finished so yeah.

Tomorrow is our graduation photo. I can't believe my classmate Kaye brought along her palette and her brushes, well her uncle's brushes. Soon, I was praise for being beautiful, hmph, I don't think that's true hahahaha

I'm still insecure because I have a lot of pimples in my forehead.

Anyways, thank you so so much for your votes everyone!!!!

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