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Eyes part I


10:00 AM

The flight was tiresome, with only my sister accompanying me, along with another irksome guy, the time ceased to never end.

"Finally! I thought I could held it in but I can't! Argh!" Misa said as she finally did what she wanted to do inside the airport.

To stretch her body.

"Well it certainly is annoying to be confined at that space" I said amused by her actions.

"I know-- crack -- right?" She said as she popped her neck.

I sat at the chair in front of me while I let Stefan do his own way. I was still able to compose my calm until I saw a magazine underneath the chair. Picking it up, my hand voluntarily stiffen at it's own accord.

It was a picture of Yuuto.

Because I haven't seen nor know about the things that happened after I left, I never tried to dig more amd just let my life be unknown to them.

He was featured as one of the most successful young businessman, and a feeling of pride make it's way on my heart.

Even though I'm hurting, he's still apart of my life.

"Ah! Finally, a chair to sit on" Stefan said as he sat into the magazine that I'm gazing on.

I look up to see his eyes filled with nonchalance, I almost scoff at his attitude but I held it in.

No more fights, I need to be more mature form now on.

"There they are!" Misa suddenly shouted at js while she keeps pointing at a figure.

I look towards it and instantly, a smile blossoms on my face. Walking towards them, I held her hands and hug her tightly.

"Jamie! It's nice to see you!" I said while she nods at me.

"Oh my gosh! It's been years since I saw you! Wow! You look so mature now! And more beautiful if I may add!" She teased while I only laugh at her.

"Oh! Is this our little Misa? My! Your a grown up now!" She said while ruffling Misa's hair.

"Jamie! I'm not a child anymore!" She pouted while me and Jamie laughs at her poor attempt of being cute.

"They must be tired now, let them rest for now" a mellow voice comes up and I look to see the familiar face of Ning xuan.

"Oho! I never would have guessed that the two of you would match each other perfectly! One is so clumsy and bubbly while the other is calm and almost an iceberg!" I teased her back.

She just looks at me and hit my shoulders while her face was piping red. I didn't continue to teased her and let them lead us out of the stiffling airport.

"I'll take Misa, you go with them" Stefan suddenly said which made me shock.

Misa wave at me and they drive away, after that, I was now inside at Ning xuan's car.

"Oh~Never would have thought that Stefan was such a gentleman now. He wasn't like that before, wonder who's the lucky girl?" She regains her composure and once again teased me.

"Well then Ms. Cupid, who confessed first? You or him?" I retorted back which made her face red again.

The two of us were still chatting, and I learned more about the situation in the past years based on her stories.

Her uncle was sent to the prison afer her father investigates. Now, because of that, she was assigned to be guarded by Ning xuan and eventually, they fell in love.

"Who proposed?" I ask unknowingly.

"Of course him!" She pointed at him while I saw a ghost of smile on his face.

My face must have been full of curiosity as she vigorously recreated their love story.

"I fell for him but I didn't know why. Father didn't know, he was clueless. So our relationship continued as a secret. One day, father went out and I snuck a kiss on him, but....." She trailed off, embarrassment could clearly be seen in her face.

"Father turned his head and saw her kissing me" Ning xuan straightly said.

"Ning xuan! How could you say that with a straight face!" Jamie shriek as she covers her whole face.

"Thats fine, she would have known it sooner" he smirks and continued to drive.

"You- argh! You're making me angry!" She said while huffing, she finally recovers and told the story once again.

"So I was sleeping with him wh-"

"Sleeping with him?!" I ask with wide eyes.

"Just sleeping! No more than that!" She immediately said while her hands were clearly indicating the no sign.

I smirked inside but continued to act like I understand her.

"He proposed to me! Because he thought he snatch my innocence even though he didn't even touch a single strand of my hair!" She said animatedly.

I guffawed in laughter and gave Ning xuan a thumbs up inside my head. We continued to drive until I see the silhouette of our old mansion.

Finally, I'm home.


Guys!!  Be patient with me when I don't update in some days because classes would resume now.

Tomorrow I will surely gave you a shocking chapter so stay tuned!!!

To those who voted and gave their opinions and comments on my book, THANK YOU SO SO MUCH!!!

Have a great day to all of you!!!

Wish you all a great health!!!

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