In exchange of

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A what? Part II

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After that little "mis-exchange" of lips, we set out for dinner. With Alithia on his back, we walk through the night and settled for a warm looking Chinese restaurant.

Ordering a sweet and sour chicken and my favorite dim sum, a dumpling with soup and some meat stuffed into it, alongside with some side dishes and soup, we dig in.

"I'm so full Aunty Rin!" Ali complained while she caress her bulging stomach.

"It's because you're a glutton!" teasing her with a smile as I continued to sip on the soup.

"I'm not a glutton! Right Uncle Stefan?"

Uncle Stefan? Just when did they get so close to each other. One minute she was scared of him, and now, she's turning towards him for help.

Just what the heck happened?

"You're not one, but your aunt is" he simply said.

"How dare you-- me?!" I point at myself with wide eyes.

He chuckled and only gave me an eye, which consists of his mischief and amusement. I didn't fight him more towards the topic and only ate. After a whole one minute, we decided to return and followed Stefan, un voluntarily, as he cradled Ali in his embrace.

"You'll be a good father" I spoke without thinking.

He stop when he was about to give Ali in me, and gaze at me with those deep sucking eyes.

"You'll be a good mother too"

I blushed unknowingly at his words, thankful that it's already dark and no one can notice the bljsh on my cheeks, I continued to act like it was nothing.

"You'll give it to me right?" I ask him after much consideration.

He was driving the car and only took a glance at me in the front mirror. He nods and I immediately sighed in relief.

Those information's were greatly needed and only I can uncover the untold truth about the situation with my sister.

We arrive after  we saw the familiar structure  of our house. With Ali sleeping on me, I wave a small hand to Stefan as I watch him drive back.

I didn't know that this night would change everything and could potentially ruin or save me.


After gazing for the millionth time at the information emailed at me, I still can't wrapped it in my head.

How could Yuuto be involved with those people? How can he do that and most of all.

What happened to the family that was supposed to be happy and free?

What exactly happened?

A knock woke me up from my thoughts and force me to stand up after sitting there for an hour. Opening it, I saw my mother handing me some toast and coffee.

"Thanks Mom" I smiled gratefully at her then took the food on her hands.

"Make sure you eat. We'll be visiting Ara again and Ali will come with us. She wants to see her mother" my mom said in a sad tone.

I know the pain of not being there with your family, what's more when it's your parents who misses you?

"Don't worry mom, she'll get better" I reassured her while squeezing her hand.

"I do hope so"

Mom went downstairs and after some time, I could hear them getting out and getting ready to go into the hospital with little Alithia on their hands.

After eating some and filling up my empty stomach, I continued to search for more clues and information.

It says that their organization specializes drugs and human trafficking. Their target clientele are those who are rich and influential, wanting to have a piece of their power and in exchange, those rich people would be protected by them.

I almost see red by what I saw and I couldn't help the anger on my chest threatening to burst.

I must see Yuuto.

I want his freaking explanation for this sh*t he's dealing with.

Not only my sister would be affected, also my sweet angel niece Alithia. She's innocent in all of this and she only deserve love from both her parents.

I'm still thinking of confronting Yuuto when a bang resonated into the room and was followed with heavy steps as the glint of a gun made me stilled and tense my whole body.

"Investigating us?"


Hey guys!!!!! 26k!!!! Wow! Never ever thought of that!!



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