Meeting him

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Birthday party part I


I would never thought of coming back here.

This house where everything starts.

My demise, and my sister's infatuation which turned me into a monster.

I admit, I was always jealous of my sister. She was the star, the child which can turn heads while I, was just a wall flower, a nobody.

But it was now different, because all I could feel was guilt. It was eating me up and all I could think was to run away but my feet won't listen to me, as if i was already destined to meet him.

"Rin! What's your gift for him?" my sister butts in.

"Just some books, I gathered he like it by the way he frequently goes into the library"

"Wow Rin! You're so cool! How could you guess that?" Ara said with her eyes shinny brightly, as if I did something magical in front of her.

Well, how wouldn't I know? I've been a stalker for him, been investigating his likes and dislikes. I probably memorize all of his childhood memories and his present one.

"Okay girls, it's time for the birthday boy to show" my mother said.

After she said that, he decided to show up.

With a suit on and a nicely done hair, he smiled gently and all I could feel was the sinking ground on my body, but it was all on my mind.

The crowd claps and a series of glittering confetti's on the ground. His mother and father kissed him both in his cheeks and his smile grew bigger.

After that, the crowd disperse and I was met with his eyes. Black Onix eyes on my pale ones as I flinched at the sudden contact.

"Are you okay Rin?" dad said worriedly.

"Uh-huh, I am, just a bit hungry"

Not wanting to be the focus of their attention, I held my hand and take a piece if dessert. My mother chatted animatedly with my father and my sister Ara was playing with her friends.

"Harui! It's nice to see you again!" a woman wearing a red dress comes up and held hands with my mother.

"Oh, Hana, it was nice seeing you too. How are you? By the way happy birthday to your dearest son"

The woman in red was his mother.

His mother that loathed me to the core while Ara was seen as a gem in her eyes.

I couldn't blame her though, she wants everything perfect and pretty. Ara was the perfect resemblance of a young pretty naive girl whose a perfect choice for her son whose kind and gentle.

Kind and gentle? Hah!

He's a wolf in sheep's clothing.

"Well, well, well, who do we have here?" a man in his perfectly trimmed suit butted in.

"Oh! John! She's my daughter, isn't she pretty?" my dad said, boasting about me.

The hawk eyes of Mr Johnson, or should I say the father of him, gazed towards me. I didn't flinch even though he's eyes are like mine, cold and unbreakable. But like mine, it was cold and detached too.

"She's a good one" then he showed a smile with his teeth showing.

My eyes keep blinking and blinking, as if I was dreaming. The chatters between my mother and her was stopped midway by Mr. Johnson's smile.

"Oh my! It's the first time I've seen John complimented another girl beside me" says Mrs. Hana.

Well, this scene is a bit different from the past.


Heyyyy!!!! I'm updating so much because I know I won't be updating in a few weeks. We are starting to give questions for our research this following week.

I hope that I will pass this research.

Thank you guys for reading!!!

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