Im in pain too

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Thanksgiving part II


"Mind telling me something?" I suddenly ask.

The clattering sound of the pan was heard, I gave a sideway glance at Ara whose clearly panicking.

"What is it again?" I could hear the distress on her voice.

"You visiting........her"

Her hands trembled as I watch her face go paler than ever. I couldn't help but scrutinize her actions.

"Why? I -- I can't e-even visit her?" she suddenly ask, her words mixing with each other.

"Sarah got an abortion, you know" then I dropped another bomb.

She looks at ne wide eyed and I swear her body was now trembling from foot to toe, suddenly, the shout of our mother woke us up in our conversation.

"I'll go get it!" she hastily replied.

Because of her weakened body, her knees gave out and she tried ti hold onto something.

I tried to hold her but it was too late, the glasses pierced our skin as it falls doen the floor, creating a blast alarming the people in the dining room.



The shouting gave me a blank, and the suddenly, a hurried figure came rushing in.

It was Yuuto.

Carrying a crying Ara in a princess like.

Although my body was already hauled up into the living room, I watch them gushing over Ara, mostly Yuuto.

The ambulance have come and they hauled Ara inside. She tried to resist but Yuuto held her hand and went inside too. My family just drive their on their own and I was left alone.

"Are your okay?" Jamie worriedly ask.

"I'm fine" then I stood up, but the pain in my knees said otherwise.

I watch Jamie got off and drive, waning my goodbye to her as I ignore the lingering pain in my knees.

Mostly in my heart.

I was about to kneel down again when a hand shot up on my waist and carried me like I'm a sack of potatoes.

"You! Put me down this instant!"

His stoic face didn't change and he remained unmoved by my screeches.

We were headed into what I think is the bathroom. I tried to see if he got any hidden agenda up on his sleeves but he continued to go until I was met by a tub.

"Hey! What are you doing?!" I tried to struggle but was met by his stare.

"Cleansing you"

Then he rip off my jeans which is dyed in red blood now. It wasn't seen by my family because one, they are too preoccupied by Ara and two, I was wearing a dark pants which acts as a barrier for them to see if i have any injuries from the sudden accident.

I look towards him again, hissing everytime he pours alcohol on my legs. He was too busy cleaning my wound that he didn't notice my stare, or hes just ignoring it, again.

The shards of glasses covered with my blood was piercing me in the eyes so I look away, caught by Stefan's stare I held my breath away and tried to get up myself.

He looks at me, unamused, and then he picked me up again in just a span of seconds. I didn't resist, for it was futile.

He opened the door with his feet, my room was seen and I tried to get off by his arms but he wouldn't let me.

"I'm in my room now so thanks" I awkwardly said.

He placed me in the bed, mind you, not so lightly as I bounce after I settled in.

"Stupid fool" he suddenly declared.

I look up and saw his darken eyes, gulping a non existent thing, I tried to ushered him out, but he stayed still and motionless.

"Do you really think he's your prince charming?"

"Stay out of it Stefan" I icily advised.

"You think that this is a fairy tail and the two of you would live happily ever after? Don't make me laugh" he mocked again.

"Stefan" you could hear the warming in my voice but he continues.

"Where's the unfeeling, selfless and rational woman? In front of him, you're just a dog, ready to obey his master's orders"

Then I snapped out.

I take off and tried to headlock him but he was faster than me, he caught my hand and forced it on my head, making me stumble and fall on my bed.

His want breath fanning over my face give me chills, more than that is the surging emotion in his eyes, as if he wanted to swallow me and eat me alive.

I tried to struggle free and fight back but he suddenly bite me in my neck causing me to gasp in pain.

"Stefan you bastard!" I shouted at the top of my head.

"Stop doing anything and listen. I don't care what you do and think, just leave that old geezer, he's no match for you"

Then he gets off leaving me confused and a little disoriented.


I'm really sorry!!!

I publish this chapter knowing that it has yhe contents i wrote but i was shocked when I saw it!!!

So sorry guys and girls!!!!!

Anyways, here is the real chapter!!!

So sorry again!!!

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