His visit

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Coldness part I


"Rin! Do you think Yuuto can be our friend?" ask Ara, her eyes shining brightly at me.

"I don't know, and I don't even want to know"

Ara's face scrunched up as she pouted angrily at me. She humps and look at the window sill again, as if searching for something.

Or for someone.

After my little escapade as what they termed it to be, they have put me in my room, with Ara tagging along with me every time.

We were homeschool as you can see, and all these lessons now are the lessons I've learned and ingrained in my mind. Because I wanted to surpass my sister Ara, the only thing I can do was to fight her in terms of brain, but of course, she's perfect in every way.

Not only she have the most beautiful face, she also have this smart brain of hers.

And I'm always being shadowed by her blinding light.

"Girls, your teacher will be here today" my mother whose like a mushroom, sprouted in front of us.

"Nooo! I don't want to learn, I want to play!" Ara said in her whiniest voice.

"Where are you going Rin?"

"I'm going to take my notebook and pencil" then I walk through the door and leave them dumbfounded.

"Wait for me!" Ara came running over me.


"So, we are learning about etiquettes. After learning the history of our land, we will now proceed to the etiquettes specially written for girls your age" said Ms. Mistin with her chin held up high as she adjusted her big spectacles.

Even though it's the 20th century, girls and boys in our age are drilled to learn etiquettes. If I was the old me, I would have done bad and bored myself to death but knowing that I will surpass my sister, I learned everything and in my 28 years of life, etiquettes we're drilled into my body so kuch yhat every action I do was elegant and full of grace.

Which made me the boring person ever in the society.

"Sit up straight, no elbows on the table--Ms. Ara Levine! What in goods name are you doing?"

Ara looks like she's about to cry, her eyes was limpid, nose scrunched up as her cheeks were beet red. She was literally asking for another session of lessons if she does it again.

"I don't care if you're only a child or if you're a fragile child who can't handle a scolding. But you're a miss of your household and you need to hold the responsibility of being a good and educated young lady or else your family will be embarrassed. Do you understand?" Ms. Mistin said sternly, her voice suggesting no more defiance.

Ara looks at me, as if asking for help but all I could do was shrugh and point to her the person she needs to be turning help from.

Our teacher.

"Now, your twin sister Ms. Rin is a natural, you should follow her. Ms. Rin, good job" then she gave a smile on me.

Which is better than a candy our other teachers gave us.

After our little session, a maid in her thirties was seen running, her skirt fluttering into the long hallways as she spotted us.

"Good afternoon young misses" then she bowed and was about to take off when I asked her something.

"What is the date today?" my heart beating wildly as I contained the fear coming out of my voice.

"Oh yes, it is the thirteenth of June young miss"

The day where I was sentenced to be with Yuuto, for life.


Hi guys!!!! Hope you like this chapter. I promise I will update this day.

I will be going on a wedding and I really hate dresses and i was mortified to know that I've been pick.

I would never do this again. Ever.

Anyway I hope you Vote. Comment. Share.

Thank you!!!!

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