Playing for

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The end? Part I


Like some animals waiting to be slaughtered, we wait for our demise.

Then suddenly the transparent box rattled and the next thing we know, we were falling down, as if we were flying in the air for a moment and then we fell down to the ground.

"*t" I exclaimed as I suddenly felt the pain in my leg.

I think I broke it.

Looking to my left, I saw my sister struggling to get up as she held her hand in pain. She must have broke it too from the sudden down fall.

I couldn't hear anything but I could see that Yuuto and Stefan almost run towards us if it weren't for the guards beside them. Yuuto was clearly shouting at the long haired man but the man didn't acknowledge it but instead laugh.

He just laughed at this situation that we are facing.

After some time, the man gestured towards his men. They walk towards us and opened the transparent box.

I was suddenly infused with different emotions as I saw all of us. We were clearly in a bad shape and honestly, I didn't think that we could get out of here.


"Papa...hkk...papa..." Alithia repeatedly said as she cried.

Ara was up, her amrs snaked towards Alithia as she cradled her with her uninjured arm. She whispered words of comfort to alithia and thankfully, managed to settle her down.

"Now that our lovely guest are finally here, why don't we start a little game?" The long haired man excitedly said.

We look towards each other, not trusting his every words. Ara was beside me as she tighten her grip every second while I look infront of me to see Stefan in his cold aura.

This is the second time I've seen him so cold, the first one was when I get angry at him and said some hurtful words and now, his face was grim and tense.

"Fine, let's play a game"

We search to find thw owner of that voice and instantly, I saw Yuuto facing the long haired man as they discuss this so called game of them.

It's like a game of death and life, who will live and whom will not.

After saying some words, tue long haired man back out, but without shooting me a smile and a flying kiss thar made my skin rose up in fear and disgust.

Then I couldn't see him, the familiar face of Stefan was seen in front of me as his figure hovered to stop me from looking behind.

"T--Thank you" I croaked out as I give him a small smile, but then he raised his fingers and wipe my eyes.

That's when I realized that tears have already fallen in my eyes. His fingers continued to wipe my eyes but my tears won't stop falling but it grew more.

Like a dying man finally having his anchor, I held onto his embrace so tightly.

I was blabbering nonsense, incoherent words were flowing from my mouth but he always responds with a yes and a simple nod. He was still embracing me, his hands were warm as they stroked my back continously. After a while, I finally recovered and wipe the tear stained face of mine.

"So *coughs* sorry for getting you in this mess" I sincerely said while my head was lowered.

"It's okay, besides, is your feet hurt? You keep winicng everytime you out pressure on your left leg" he said which startled me.

I was in a complete poker face when I stand, I haven't mind the pain because I was too focused into them that I already missed the pain in my broken ankle.

"It's okay, I got injured when I fell down from that box" I said while looking at the direction.

"You'll live. We'll get out of this motherf*cking place"

His words resound on my ears as I look on the side of his face. He look so serious in here, he was clearly handsome and it really took a lot of effort for me to look at his way.

Then the long haired man and scar face returned, both holding some handkerchief on their hands and a gun in their waist.

Instantly, my body turned rigid as we grow cold from the sight of a gun.

A gun that's enough to took one of our lives.

"Ready to play?"

And now, fate is really unfair.

I wasn't ready yet, we're just getting started but I knew for sure, everything would end as always.


Yep! One more chapter to go and it will be the end or will it? *Dun dun dun*

Anyways, epilogue would be up after I post some of their POV. I just wanted you or all of you to know their perspective and then after that, is epilogue.

Hope you could still wait!!!!


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