He who....

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Decisions part I


His grab on me irritated me further, as if it was burning lava, I shake it off as I glared at him, my anger clearly showing again.

"Nice seeing you again" he smiled at me.

"Well it's not nice to see you again and I better go now, for I don't want to waste my time on a human like you" I coldly spat.

He just grinned at me, his eyes still that brown as the leaves when it the season was fall. I ignored his face and was about to step out of the cold way when he stated something.

"Ahh......look at them, your fiance being left all alone and here comes his savior......or should I say your sister?"

My gaze turned freezing cold, I watch his grin broke into a full laugh as he look at me, teasing me with his eyes and words.

"You should be careful, if I haven't known the word patience, I might already kick you in your.......un responsive groin" and to that, his smile was out, only leaving a sneer.

"What? Acting all mighty and strong? You should really reduced that act of yours, because your becoming what you feared you are to be"

His words angered me into the point of shutting his mouth with a gag and torturing him, but i held back the reins of my fury.

His words were true though, my conscience argued in which I dismissed.

"What I do is none of your business Stefan"

"Well then, I really hope that you consider this proposal of mine" he suddenly said.

"For the million times I disagree. You have tested my patience a over the years and it was thinning Malkov, so I am advising you again: Stop. Bothering. Me"

With those final words, I left his side.


I returned into the house with my sister, my parents were our for a date and only the two of us were here. I take off the gloves and was supposed to head back to my room when Ara talked to me.

"What happened out there Rin? Why did you do that to Yuuto? You should have seen his face he w-"


It was a sign, a sign for her to stop talking nonsense. But she stood on her ground and refused to back out.

"You can't do this forever Rin? How could you do this to him without feeling guilty? How co-"

"Guilty?" I laughed at her words, but it was no laughing matter.

"You should know better what being guilty means" I narrowed my eyes at her while she backs off, fear was seen on her face.

"I'm sorry okay! I-I didn't know that it would escalate into that! I was just.....I was just influenced by them!" her voice rang out of the hallway.

The maids look at us and I silence them quietly with my eyes, seeing them retreating quietly, I heaved a sigh of relief.

"Don't come into contact with Sarah, she's up to no good. Trust me in this one, please" the severity of my tone made her nod.

I smiled lightly in satisfaction and goes back to my room while she did the same.

Taking off the make up on my face, I stared at myself.  The petals in my bath was floating on my skin, the wake water made my once stiff body recovered from the fatigue it got after the exhausting party. Still daze, my eyes grew moist and soon, I was submerged in to a relentless cries of pain.

Everything was supposed to turn out good, I was supposed to be paying for my sins. But all I did was to make more, I lost counts of the sins I've made, intentional or unintentional.

"I'm sorry, it should have been me. I'm sorry Ara, I'm sorry Yuuto"

I'm sorry for breaking the laws of life and ruining your fate.


Hey guys!!! Thank you for all the support you have given in this story!!

I didn't actually think that it was that good but still, thank you so so much for your support and I hope you continue to love this story!!!

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