Leads to confusion

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Uncertain part II


"Good morning Yuuto? The girls are just dressing up, might as well stay for a bit of a treat"

My mother was preparing her usual tea set coupled with the desserts that she made with our nanny. Sue place a teacup in front of Yuuto, while he sniffed it for a bit and then cools it down by blowing air on it.

He have always like tea.

For a child his age, you expect him to look chocolate drink or milk, maybe juice but tea, you never knew how much mature he is when he was at a tender age of 10.

You will never notice it if you haven't paid any attention on him, which I did so, very obsessively by the way.

"Good morning Rin? Haven't sleep well?" he must have notice the dark bags underneath my eyes.

"Rin! I thought you're still dressing, how is it that you haven't got a good night sleep since yesterday?" my mother exclaiming in surprise.

"Well, it's nothing mom. What's in the table?"

"Oh! It's your favorite apple pie and tea and oh! There's also some bread and butter to fill you up as well as sweets like cookies" successfully diverting my mother's attention towards the food on the table.

I caught a glimpse of a smile, or should I say a smirk coming from Yuuto's direction. Giving him a cold glance, his smile broadens until it was too blinding for me to see so I avoid it.

He was about to open his mouth when my sister comes around the room.

"Mama! And Yuuto! You're here!" my sister shouted.

"Ara! Don't shout"  my mother scolded her while Ara gave her an innocent smile which made my mother smiled helplessly.

She take a seat between me and Yuuto, which I probably leave a space for her to sit.

It's to cultivate their feelings.

I need to make things right and in order to do that, I have to sacrifice mu own happiness and let myself be free of the greed and jealousy the seeps through my whole body.

"I never knew you like tea"

I look in front of me and there sit Yuuto, his limpid eyes looking straight at me. I shifted into looking at the other side, not wanting to feel the fear of someone finding out my secret.

And by the way the looks at me, it was if he can see through me which frightens me.

I can never feel at ease when he looks at me like that. I admit I still love him but the fear and the guilt is still outweighing the love I feel for him.

And I knew if I grab this chance and force my  life into their life, I would never feel this freedom again, so near and it was touching the tips of my fingers, yes, that's the feeling of freedom.

And if I have to do this over and over again I would choose myself, not him. Because I had enough, I had enough if pain and guilt on me.

I could still feel the loneliness everytime I watch him love her, the feeling of being stabbed multiple times everytime he kissed her and the feeling of anger and jealousy everytime I see him protecting her.

"Is there something in my face?" his grin broke me out of my trance as I look around me finding my parents smiling foolishly at me while Ara was oblivious to the events that has unfold.

Is he?

"I'm talking to you, you'll be my guide right? You'll help me adapt in here right?"

"That's enou-"

"Absolutely! Right Rin?" mother cutting off father's words as she pinch him underneath the table.

"Uhh--yeah, Ara's coming too right?" stating her name, she perks up and nods at me repeatedly, her food still dangling on her mouth.

"Great, now off you go now!"

Then we were thrown off the kitchen, Ara still grumpy from mother about her unfinished food while Yuuto fix his collar and looks at me.


I am so not ready with this changes.


I updated!!! Yehey!!!!🤣🤣🤣

Thought I would have to wait for my mind to process the words at the top of my tounge. Fortunately my imagination still works even though I'm tired.

I do hope you bear with me if I don't update tomorrow.

Thank you!!!!

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