What happened?

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Thievery? Part I


All I could do was to to crouch more and lowered myself almost to the ground. I didn't notice the stench of the garbage nor the buzzing sound of the flies gathering towards it. All I could hear was the sound of my heart beating so fast and the sweat on my body as i perspire due to the nervousness I'm currently feeling.

"I'll call you back" Yuuto suddenly said.

I could hear his steps coming towards me, his breathing as well as the rustling sounds of his clothes as he walks.

'Almighty heaven please don't let him see me! Please don't let him see me!'

I repeated the mantra over and over on my head until I could only feel numb from the pain due to my position.

All I could do was to blame my curious self. How foolish of me to just come here and peep towards Yuuto, of all people.

Suddenly, his shoes were in front of me, I was hidden in the back of the trash can while I saw his back towards me. All I could do was to shut my eyes and swallow the scream on my mouth.


A voice of a man suddenly made him turn around as I scooted more towards the trash can.

"The practice will begin" he suddenly said.

"Oh, is that so? I'm coming now"

Then all I could hear was him walking farther away from me as I sighed in relief.

"Thank goodness" I said as I hold my still beating heart.

I was about to get up but I suddenly collapsed, my feet must have been numb as I could feel the pins and needles pricking my legs.

I waited for another minute and then suddenly, a phone call rang towards the deadly silent corner.

"Hi ja-"

"Where are you?! Did something happen to you? Don't make me worried! I'm already panicking right here!" Jamie's shout wake me up from my daze.

"I'm sorry I was so embarrassed to come and I didn't saw the time. I'll be there, don't worry"

She lectures me for about a minute or more and then ends the call. I can finally feel my legs so I stand up, and walk towards the church where I can face the two of them.


"Ha! What a stressful day!" I said as I plopped into my warm comfortable bed.

I turned on my phone and saw no notification on me so I turned it off amd went to the bathroom to change and freshen up myself.

Considering I was hovered in the trashcan for a long time, I figured a long bath should do it.

After an hour, I went back to my bed after finishing my shower. I decided to sleep now but after dozing off a bit, I was woken ul from my sleep when knocks wake me up from my dream land.

"What-- what is it?" I groggily ask as I moaned due to the sudden wake up call.

"I'm sorry for waking you up young lady but your mother wishes for you to go downstairs" a maid informed me.

"Why though? It's the middle of the night?" I ask subconsciously.

The maid only shakes her head and wait for me. I nodded at her then took a jacket and eventually get downstairs.

Instantly, the cries of someone woke me up more and I rushed fastly to see who it was.

It was Ara.

She was crying and mumbling towards mother as she held Alithia's body closer to herself. My mother was trying to calm her down, my father was busy calling someone, or maybe the security and the police judging the way his tone seemed more serious than ever.

"Rin! Finally you're here!" Mother said which alerted the almost sleeping Alithia.

"Aunty Rin!" She said while she raised both of her arms.

I look towards mother and she nodded. Taking Alithia with me, ara who was crying gravely suddenly go bersek.

"No! Don't take her from me! No!" She clawed my hands and drew blood towards my arms.

"Ara! She's your sister Ara!" My mother suddenly went in between us as she holds Ara in her arms.

Ara continued to go crazy as she thrashes around while shouting.  Because of the noise, my father was suddenly alerted and drop the phone to take Ara's hand to stop her.

"Ara! What are you doing! She's your sister! Ara!" My father repeatedly said.

But Ara wasn't listening, I look into her eyes and all I could see was fear and I figured out, she was too muddled. Her eyes doesn't have any concentration and she seems a bit drunk.

Or drugged?

"Mom, I--I think she's been drugged"

Mom and dad look at me, then at Ara. Then as if their minds have finally work, they called for the driver and took Ara away to the hospital.

"Aunty Rin, will mama come back?" Alithia suddenly ask me.

"She will, I'll make sure of it" resolution was clearly etched on my face.

Though I didn't know what happened for her to be this way or for her to be drugged by someone, I'll make sure she would never feel crazy again.

I don't want her to become crazy again.


Hi guys and girls!!!! I'm updating now because I have a free time because it's our exam dau and guess what I'm doing!

Yep. I'm making a chapter for you!!!

My classmates called it the Aube (my surname) style where I usually review in the day of the exam. It means that I dont review, at all! I review at the day of the exam which is now.

My friends were amazed at me because I can do it, and receive a high or average score despite of me not reviewing.

Anyways, thank you so much for your votes and comments!!!!!

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