My wish

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Awakening part I


After the nurse stated those words, my mother and I left in a hurry. Our feets barely stepping into the cold hard floor as we run past towards the same path we used to go for years

"You're here, come on, the doctor is waiting for you" nurse Jules stated as she grip my hand for comfort.

"Thank you" then I gave her a small smile.

We opened the door and saw the doctor, talking to someone with a clear voice.

"Doc.....Is-Is it t-true?" My mother said, her whole body trembling from excitement.

The doctor didn't say anything but instead, allows us to see the evidence for ourselves.

There, my baby sister whom lived her years sleeping, has now have her eyes opened. Clear black orbs staring at us, and finally, tears fell one by one, soaking the hands that I used to cover the gasp of amazement.

" baby" my mother cried.

She takes a step, each step was so careful, as if she was still dreaming. She carefully holds Misa's hands, as if she was holding a fragile doll.

I took in a of that, my mother's sorrow and pain simply vanished with just a simple smile from Misa. Then her eyes met mine and there I knew.

She was here, and she's real.


"She's--She's awake? Now?" Ara's voice was full of disbelief.

I nodded gently at her, still staring, gauging the reaction I was hoping for. But she did the same thing I did, she cried while saying how thankful she is for the heavens above for making Misa alive.

Even I, didn't realize how much this life change everything, almost everything.

But I couldn't care less of the past.

"Do--Do you think..... she'll, forgive me?" hestitant in asking.

"She will. Misa js a good kid, it's an accident after all"

Accident that never reach our parent's ears.

She smiled at me, although I could she that it was forced on her, her bidy seems  a bit liguter than before.

Kring! Kring!

I opened my cellphone and wasn't shock by the person calling me. I signalled Ara, and she said okay. I left the room and goes to the restroom, trying to find a private room.

"Yes, auntie?"

"Auntie?! You should call me mother now!" Yuuto's mother suddenly declared making me blush.

"Aun-- Mother" I helplessly said.

"That's more great now! After all, your engagement party will happen two months after, and your sister, oh your pitiful sister! Thank the heavens she passed this accident! She can now see you in a wedding gown and oh! She could see you with your white dress an--"

"Mother, wait!"

"-d we will bring bountiful of beautiful roses in your wedding . To top it all we could use some ribbons and laces and shiny diamondsareto mak it more glamorous! Plus we can try th-"


She finally stop her blabbering after I talked. The line was silent for a minute and then she suddenly sighed.

"Yes, I may be thinking too far ahead. But I'm just nervous and excited, don't worry, it won't happen again" she finally said.

"Thank you mother, and I need your  advice too for the wedding. You and my mom would create a perfect plan for the perfect and much awaited wedding"


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So here's a massive thank you to all of you my dear readers!!!!

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