Turns out as rejection

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Butterflies part II


"What happened?" Ara came to me with her eyes looking back and forth towards me and Sarah.

She must have been told about what really happened by a certain vixen. Her eyes were accusing me, her lips pursed as she fiddles her fair fingers on her handkerchief.

"Since you already know, don't bother to ask"

I left her hanging on the table and walk through the garden. Her face still haunting my mind, eyes full of blame and disgust in my past life. I couldn't help but tremble in my knees as I remember her words back then, how much it affected me.

I sat upon a bench and cleared my head. My mind was still buzzing from the events that escalated in just a span of seconds. Well, if it really wasn't for that vixen named Sarah, she wouldn't have been so obvious of her infatuation.

She wouldn't have realized how much she loves him.

"Rin? Oh my gosh Rin! It's you!"

A cheerful voice was heard and I look up and saw a familiar cute face in front of me. Her chubby cheeks were dyed red as she smiles, dazzling my eyes by her sudden warmth.

It was my only friend, Jamie Cho.

"Hi Jamie, how are you?"

She smiles and take hold of my cold hands, her warm ones making contact with my freezing hands.

"It's nice to see you again, it really is!" she put emphasis on her words as I raised a brow on her.

"It has only been two weeks since we met Jamie" I smiled helplessly.

"I know right, but still~" she smile sheepishly at me as she pouts and leaned on me.

Sometimes, I don't really understand if she was really my classmate or my daughter.

"How are the two of you? Is Yuuto still keen on following you?" teased her.

"It has never change"

I only gave her a fleeting smile, still caught up on my sins. She looks at me, her eyes showed understanding.

She's the only one whom I can be with. She understands me and in return, the two of us formed a bond that is hard to break, and only the two of us knew the severity of our bond.

The sound of an orchestra playing break our chain of thoughts, together, we held hands and walked back to the mansion again.

"Rin! Where have you been? I thought some--"

"It's time"

Ara looks at me weirdly, still doesn't understand the meaning behind my words.

The man started to wave his hand, and then cam the music. Men rushed into their partners elegantly while the women pretend to be shy and take the men's hand. I saw a figure hover me as he bows and smiled at me gently.

"I believe there's a dance we have agreed upon" then without warning, he tugs my hand and I was forced to breathe on his natural scent that's been giving me butterflies ever since.

His warmth traveled through mine as my body responded in an embarrassing state which is blushing beet red. He laughs while looking down at me, his eyes were so dark and full of amusement as he goes for another twirl.

"Stop it" I hissed at him.

"What?" He responds in a lazy tone.

"Stop following me. Stop looking at me, stop talking at me. Just stop" my voice in a rush as I breathed the words I was afraid to say back then.

He stops dancing, his hold on my waist tightened even further as he plastered me over his body, leaving no space behind.

"What did you just say?" His face grim as the temperature turned freeing cold and I couldn't help the shivers from showing.

"Just stop, I can't take it anymore. You don't belong to me, never has, never will"

I shake his hands off while I left the dance floor, his hands were caught in my vision as I saw how much force he grips it till it turned in a frightening white color.

The people look at us weirdly but still continued to dance. Ara looks at me, her eyes were worried yet there was a relief hiding in the deepest corner of her self, Sarah on the other hand was gloating as she watched on a guy famous for being a playboy and his money.

I didn't bother all of them and walked on my own, but before I could fully get out, a hand shit up in my arm and forced me to look in uis familiar eyes.



Hi guys!!! Sorry for not updating. I got too busy in my on the job training.

It was fascinating yet hard at the same time. Anyways, me and my friends went into Jollibee and we had a lot of fun. We talked about our frustrations and I also had my fill due to them.

Again, please do Vote. Comment. Share.

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