Chapter 2

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AHHHHH!!! It's almost here! In exactly 3 days and 7 hours I will be in the same room as Louis Tomlinson! I'm so excited I think I might explode! Of course... I have to keep this all to myself since Addy lashed out at me yesterday.

Geez, I still can't believe that our friendship might actually be over. And after all we've been through together, we're gonna let a our friendship fall apart over LOUIS??? I mean, don't get me wrong, Louis means the world to me, but, so does Addy. I have to admit, I kinda miss her...

I don't know what to do, who I'm going to bring with me to the audition. Most of the time contestants will have family or friends with them for support, but I have neither of those at the moment. So, I guess I'll just have to go alone.

All of the sudden my phone started to ring. My ringtone is what makes you beautiful by the way, just thought I'd point that out :). When I looked at my phone, Addy's picture showed up. I guess I'll answer it, considering I have nothing better to do.

"Hello?" I said, sounding a bit annoyed.

"Hey, is this a good time?" She sounds concerned, but why?

"Yeah I guess. So do you need something?"

"Yeah, I was wondering if we could talk..."

"Sure, about what?"

"Umm... us actually."

Oh dear, what now? She's already told me what she thinks. But, I guess I'll act like it's no big deal... even though it kind of is. But I'm in a good mood, and I'm not going to let her bring me down.

"Ok... so what about us?"

"Umm, I just want to apologize for everything I said the other day."

"It's fine, it's not that big of a deal." I lied.

"No, it is. You see, Tyler had just dumped me, and I took it out on you. I shouldn't have. I'm sorry. Is there any way you can forgive me?" She actually sounded really sorry.

I don't know if I should forgive her. I mean, she did say some pretty rude things that kinda hurt my feelings. But, we have been best friends for a while, and we've been through some pretty rough times together.

"Well you could've at least told me what was going on with you guys. Then I couldn't helped you through it, like I always do."

"Yeah, you're right. And I'm sorry. But it was just such a good time for you, getting that audition on X factor and everything. I just didn't want to ruin it with my guy problems."

"So you decided ruining it by yelling at me over Louis is better than talking to me about Tyler? Yeah, that makes perfect sense." I said this really sarcastically, letting her know how stupid that actually sounded.

"I know, I know. I screwed up. So will you forgive me or not?"

"Yeah, I guess. I've been getting pretty lonely without you. As you know, I don't really have anyone else."

"YAYYYY thank you soo much! Just know that I love you more than anyone and I wouldn't never actually want to hurt you."

"Ok. So what happened between you and Tyler? I thought you guys were doing fine."

"It's kind of a long story. I have to go, so I'll tell you about it later. Love you, byeeeee"

She hung up before I got the chance to say bye. Was it just me, or did she seem way too excited about this. I mean, yeah it's good that we are friends again, but she's never been THAT excited in her entire life, not even when we went to a Shawn Mendes concert...

AAAAANYway... I really need to start focusing on my audition more. I still have no idea what I'm going to wear. I need something that will really catch Louis's eye...

I went to my closet, looking at all my options. There weren't that many, considering I work at Toys R Us. Suddenly, something caught my eye. This has to be it. This will definitely make Louis notice me. I'm going to wear red jeans with a blue and white striped shirt and white TOMS... aka, Louis's signature look from his 1D days.

Ok, so now I have my clothes planned, now I need to do everything else. I need to know exactly what to say when I get on stage. The first thing they usually ask is your name. All I need to say is 'Lexi Moore'. There's no way I can mess that up. Then they usually ask how old you are. '23'. Simple enough. Then, what do you do for a living. 'I'm a manager at Toys R Us'. Then they ask what you'll be singing, or something like that. 'Miss you, by Louis Tomlinson.' Then, I sing. I've already memorized it, so that should be pretty easy.

Wow, I think I'm actually ready for this. Now all I need to do it mentally prepare myself. I will be singing in front of Louis Tomlinson. What if I pass out... has anyone ever done that during their audition before? What if I'm out of tune? What if I forget the lyrics? There are so many things that could go wrong. But the worst thing that could happen... what if Louis says no?

I don't know if I can do this anymore. I freaking out inside. I need to calm down... what's something that can help me calm down!?! I FORGOT WHAT HELPS ME CALM DOWN!!!

OH I know!! Anything Louis basically. I'm going to watch this is us while eating carrots. That always seems to work...

Yay so their friendship is ok! But why was Addy so excited? Hmmm... guess you'll have to wait and see! Please keep reading and PLEASE spread the word about my book, really need some more views!

Picture: One Direction when they auditioned on X factor.

Video: all 5 of the boys' first auditions.

Next update: hopefully next week.

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