Chapter 31

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Louis's P.O.V.

"Fine. If that's how you want it..." She cried and ran off.

I feel horrible. Of course I want to marry her, I wouldn't have proposed if I didn't. But I'm just... nervous. Lexi is the best girl I've ever met, and I wouldn't trade her for the world.

I want to talk to her, but I don't want her to think I'm weak or something because I'm too nervous. I admit, I shouldn't have gone out and got drunk, and I DEFINITELY shouldn't have lied to her, but I thought it was a good idea at the time. Well... I was wrong.

Liam didn't drink anything because of his kidney, but he was still there with us, so he's in trouble too, and it's my fault. Niall isn't in trouble because he told the truth first... which kinda sucks. Harry, well, he isn't dating anyone so he can basically do whatever he wants... lucky.

I should probably go up to Lexi and apologize, but I don't know if she wants to talk to me... I'll just talk to her in the morning. She's probably asleep anyways.

I walked up the stairs and down the hallway to our bedroom. I opened the door and went over to the bed, but it was empty. I checked the bathroom and closet, but she wasn't there either.

I went to one of the guest rooms and tried to go in, but it was locked. She must be in there because she doesn't want to be with me tonight... which I understand. I laid on the door and could hear the small, quite sound of her snoring.

I just went back to our room and laid down. I should probably shower, but I'm really tired. I'll just take a short shower to get rid of the smell of alcohol.

I got in the shower and just washed my hair and body real quick, then got out. Once I dried off, I just threw on a pair of gym shorts. I brushed my teeth, then flopped back down on the bed. I closed my eyes and tried to sleep, but I couldn't.

I laid there for about an hour just thinking about Lexi. I really messed up this time. I really hope she forgives me. Did she really mean what she said about calling off the wedding? That's the last time I'm getting drunk before the wedding, or anytime soon afterwards.

The only time I'm getting drunk is if Lexi does too, which is hardly ever. She doesn't like to drink that much... so this should be fun.

I finally got up and decided to do something because it was pretty obvious I wasn't going to sleep tonight. I went downstairs and grabbed a water bottle, then sat down in front of the tv. I turned on Netflix to see if anything good was on, but there wasn't really anything. I ended up watching Black Panther because there was nothing else that sounded good.

I felt myself start to doze off, but then something happened in the movie that made me jump back up. I finished the movie and watched 2 others. By now it was around 1:00 in the morning, but I still didn't want to go to bed.

I got out my phone and started scrolling through twitter and read through some of the fan mail. Most of it was about the wedding and everything else going on, but there were some other things too. There was one question that really caught my eye...

"Is one direction getting back together? Or are you guys done for good?"

Well, we are kind of back together right now... I mean, we were too close of a band to just leave it like that. I'm pretty Niall's also said something like that in an interview, but I'm not sure. We've remained pretty close friends, so I don't see why we cant get the band back together. Once Zayn gets here, then One Direction will officially be all together again.

"Louis?" I heard a voice, breaking me from my thoughts. I looked up and saw Niall standing in front of me.

"Hey Niall." I responded.

"Lou, what are you doing up? You know its like 1:00 right?" He chuckled a little.

"Yeah, I know. I just couldn't sleep. Lexi and I got in a fight and now she isn't talking to me."

"What was the fight about?" He sat down next to me.

"Well, you know how I told you earlier that I was really nervous about the wedding? Well, I'm kinda afraid to tell Lexi that because I don't want her to worry or anything. She asked me what was wrong, and I said I didn't want to talk about it. Then she stormed off and locked herself in the guest room." I looked down so Niall wouldn't see the tears starting to form in my eyes.

"Louis, you should've just talked to her. I'm sure she would've understood. I get why you would be nervous. This is a really big deal for you... for all of us."

"What do I do? I..." I hesitated, "I don't want her to hate me."

"She wont hate you! Just give her some time, let her come to you." He grabbed my shoulder, "You'll be fine. I know her, she's my best friend, so I know that she cant stay mad at you for too long. She'll get over it, like she always does. She loves you."

"Thanks Niall." I gave him a hug.

"Now go to bed. You need to sleep." He went back upstairs and I heard his door shut.

He's right. I need to sleep. I'm usually in a bad mood when I'm tired, which wouldn't be good since Lexi is already mad at me.

I went back upstairs and laid down on my bed. I was too tired to do anything, even think, so I fell asleep almost right away. I really hope she doesn't hate me...


so this was an interesting chapter... sorry it's short, but it was mostly just a filler chapter, but I promise the next one will be better.

There's probably only 1 or 2 chapters left, so the book in almost over! I don't know if I should be sad, or excited about this... I mean, I'm happy because I don't have to worry about updating or anything like that, but this is also what I do in most of my free time, so now I'll be pretty bored when I'm not busy...

Anyways... I hope you guys enjoyed the chapter. Please don't be afraid to comment your thoughts on the book. I want to know what you guys think so far, so *constructive criticism* is always welcome.

question: what is your favorite movie/ book series? mine is The Maze Runner.

picture: 1d meme... (I feel like I'd be Niall... if I ever do something with friends, then they usually end up dressing similar, looking nice-ish and all... and I'm sitting here wearing sweatpants)

video: Liam Payne funny moments... has absolutely nothing to do with the chapter at all, but oh well... :)

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