Chapter 23

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Niall was laying on the ground, unconscious. There was blood surrounding his head... No no no no no no no no this is all my fault. I promised him I'd be there for him, but I wasn't. I left because... wait... this isn't my fault! It's HERS! She made me leave!

"WHAT THE HELL HAPPENED! What did you do!" I yelled at Jessica, making her jump.

"I didn't do anything. We were going pretty slow, so I sped up and-" I cut her off.

"YOU WHAT?!? This is exactly why I needed to stay with him! This is YOUR fault! You made me leave!"

"I'm... I'm sorry. I didn't know-"

"JUST LEAVE!" I screamed at her.

"Louis, what do I do?" I asked, noticing him kneel down beside me.

"I don't know... I've never had to deal with anything like this before."

"I called an ambulance, they are in their way." A random lady said.

"Thank you so much. Now help me get him off the ice to make it easier for them." I told Louis and Liam.

It took all 3 of us to carry him off of the ice. We were trying not to slip so we didn't drop him. We took our skates off, along with Niall's. Then, we waited for the ambulance to get there.

When they finally got there, they quickly got him into the ambulance. The medics immediately started looking at him and taking notes. We weren't allowed to ride with him, so we drove separately.

We got our stuff and ran out to the cars. Jessica was standing by Louis's car waiting for us. Liam and Morgan got in Liam's car, and Louis, Jessica and I got in Louis's. We tried to get there as fast as we could. And of course, Jessica started talking on the way there. Well... tried to, at least.

"Guys, I-"

"SHUT UP!" Louis and I said together, cutting her off. I really didn't want her to talk right now. I didn't really want her riding with us either, but she had no other way home.

We were going 15 mph over the speed limit, but oh well. We were just following the ambulance and making sure we don't fall behind.

As soon as we got to the hospital, we all got out and ran inside. We got to the front desk and asked the lady sitting there about Niall.

"Has Niall Horan come in yet!" I yelled as soon as we got in.

"Who?" She asked.

"Umm... Niall Horan..." how did she not who he was?

"I'm sorry, but no one with that name has come in yet." Dang, we must've beaten the ambulance here.

Just as we turned around, heard someone yell to get out of the way. Then they came in with about 4 people pushing a bed... that Niall was laying on. We started to follow them, but one of the nurses stopped us.

"I'm sorry, but you can't go back there. Not until the doctors say so." She said.

"Are you kidding? Do you know who I am?" Louis asked, stepping in front of us. "This is-" the nurse cut him off.

"I'm aware you are a celebrity Mr. Tomlinson, but that's not an exception. Niall will most likely have to have some tests done and possibly go into surgery, and no one is allowed back except for the doctors. I'm afraid you'll have to wait in the lobby." She gestured to the waiting area.

"Well, when will we be able to see him?" Liam asked.

"It might be a couple days. He has a pretty bad head injury, and that takes a while to recover from. He will most likely have a concussion and will definitely have to get stitches to stop the bleeding. I recommend going home and resting, and we'll call when he's ready. I noticed he doesn't have an emergency contact. Who should I put down?"

"Me. I'm his girlfriend." Jessica said, stepping up.

"No. You are the reason he is in the hospital, and you will DEFINITELY not be his emergency contact." I raised my voice at her. Put down Liam, he's the most responsible."

"I agree." Louis and Morgan said in unison.

Liam gave her his phone number to put down. After that, we decided to go home and freshen up. Louis, Jessica and I all went to our house, and Liam and Morgan went to Liam's house. The only reason we let Jessica come with us is because her car was at our house. As soon as we got there, we made her get in her car and leave.

We showered and changed into more comfortable clothes. We were going to watch a movie, but then decided not to. I just couldn't focus on anything, so we decided to just lay down for a little bit.

Since we're engaged, I've officially moved into Louis's room. We laid down, but I couldn't sleep, so I just laid my head down on Louis's chest. His chest was really warm and really comfortable because he took his shirt off.

All of the sudden, I started crying. I don't know why though. I guess I just feel bad because of what happened to Niall. I promised I would stay with him and make sure nothing happened... and I broke my promise.

"Lou?" I asked to see if he was still awake.

"Yeah?" He sounded pretty tired. I was too, so I wasn't really thinking straight.

"Why does bad things happen to people I care about? Did I do something wrong?"

"What do you mean?"

"Well, it seems like whenever I get close to someone, they always end up getting hurt. I mean, first you got hurt, then Liam, and now Niall."

"Hey, it's not your fault. All of those things happen because of other people, not you."

"Well, it is my fault, because I somehow always let poisonous people into my life, causing pain to everyone I care about." I started crying even more because I started thinking about Addy again. He suddenly felt me crying, probably because my tears were now running down his chest too.

"Oh, don't cry. It's ok. Niall will get better, just like Liam and I did. You haven't done anything wrong."

"Are you sure?"

"I'm sure. Now try and get some sleep." He started rubbing my head, which felt really good.

Louis was really comforting. I'm glad I have him. I honestly couldn't wish for a better boyfriend. After about 5 minutes, I finally got lost in my thoughts and fell asleep. I'm pretty sure Louis fell asleep too, but I couldn't really tell for sure.

For the first part, I dreamed about Niall, and how badly I messed up. But for some reason, it all just vanished. Then I started to dream about Louis, and our wedding, and finally relaxed.


So I know there's kinda been a lot of Payne in this book (HA, get it? I'm funny, I promise...) AAANYways... how do you guys like it so far? Please comment your thoughts! I really want to know what you guys think...

Sorry I haven't update in a while, but I've kinda been busy. I also haven't really been in a writing mood lately... sorry😬 but I'll try to update more, I promise!

Picture: sleeping Louis... he's soo adorable😍

Video: story of my life, by one direction❤️

Next update: probably in a couple days.

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