Chapter 26

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"So, are you done with your list?" I asked Louis. We both made our own invite lists with everyone we wanted there, then we were going to compare. If there was anyone on the lists that one of us didn't want to invite, then we would probably just take them off.

"Yeah, I finished it last night. You?" he responded.

"Yeah. Give me your list, and I'll give you mine, and we can mark anyone we don't want. Deal?"


We traded lists and grabbed a pen to mark anyone we didn't want. Louis looked deep in thought, and he was making weird faces. He tends to do that when he thinks. I just smiled and looked at his list. So far, it was mostly just his family. Parents, sisters, aunts, uncles, Harry, cousins, neph - wait... HARRY?!

I mean, I guess I shouldn't really be too surprised that he invited Harry. They were best friends, and bandmates, then there was that whole 'Larry Stylinson' thing... oh well, I always liked Harry, I liked everyone in one direction, so I was fine with it.

I went through the rest of the list, and it was just more family and a few of his friends. It wasn't too long of a list, so it didn't take me that long. I was about to hand it back when I noticed one last name on the back of the page.... Zayn Malik....

"Hey Lou?" I asked.

"Yeah?" he responded. He was still pretty deep in thought.

"Why is Zayn's name written really small on the back? Why isn't it normal size with the rest of them?"

"What? Oh, uh, that's because I wasn't sure if I was going to invite him. We haven't really talked in a few years, ever since he left the band, so I wasn't sure if he would even want to come." He sounded kinda sad at the thought of Zayn...

"Come on, you guys were in the same band, and friends for 4 years. I know you guys have gone your separate ways, but COME ON! Just invite him! It never hurts! And who knows, he might say yes!" I don't know what happened, or why Zayn left, but I know they used to be really close friends, and they shouldn't just forget about that.

"I doubt it, but oh well. You're right, it doesn't hurt to at least invite him. I finished your list, and it looks fine. Are you done?"

"Yup. Looks good. Now we need to start making the actual invitations."

"Don't they make like a save the date type thing before they send the actual invitations?" Oh right... how could I forget those?

"Oh yeah. Well, then we'll send those first. Should we make them fancy, or more casual?" I honestly wanted a small-ish wedding with just friends and family. I've never really wanted a 'big white wedding' that most girls dream about.

"We should do them however you want them. I honestly don't care what it looks like."

"Well, we should do the save the dates more casual, then the actual invitations should be a little fancier. I think with both of our lists combined, we should have about 100 people."

"Sounds perfect." He wasn't really paying attention, he was focused on something on his phone.

I just walked away to start working on the save the dates, then the invitations. I promised Morgan that she could help me, so I texted her we were ready to start making them. She said she'd be here in about and hour, so I just sat on the couch next to Louis and turned on the tv.

I knew exactly what I wanted to watch... Teen Wolf. It was probably my favorite show of all time, so I decided to watch it. I was on season 4, so I just picked up where I left off. Scott McCall, who was played by Tyler Posey, had just become a true alpha, which made him one of the most powerful werewolves around. My favorite character was Stiles, who was played by Dylan O'Brien.

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