Chapter 28

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Niall's P.O.V.

I finished singing little things, and noticed that Lexi fell asleep. I felt really bad for her. I don't know exactly what happened because I was in the bathroom, but I came back and saw Lexi staring at Louis. When I saw Louis, he was kissing some girl on the cheek. He was such an idiot.

I carefully moved her off of me, then got up and went downstairs. Louis was laying on the couch. I noticed he was crying, but it was his own fault. I don't care what was happening, he never should've kissed her.

I walked over to Liam, Harry, and Morgan, who were sitting in the kitchen talking. Morgan must've gotten here while I was up with Lexi. I grabbed some chips, then sat down with them.

"Hey Niall. Is she ok?" Liam asked when he saw me.

"No, she's not ok. She's kind of a mess at the moment." I said. I wasn't too happy with Liam either. I mean, he shouldn't have said what he did to Lexi. She was already a mess, and he went in there and tried to tell her to talk to Louis, which just made her worse.

"I'm going to talk to her." Morgan said as she stood up from the table.

"No you're not." I grabbed her arm to stop her. "She's sleeping."

"Oh, ok." She sat back down.

"Hey Niall, is she ok?" Louis asked when he finally stopped crying. Did he not just hear our conversation?

"No, she's not. You really messed up this time. What were you thinking? Why were you kissing another girl?" I asked, determined to get an answer.

"She was just a fan. She asked if we could take a picture, and she asked if I could kiss her for the picture. We do stuff for fans all the time, so I don't get what the big deal was this time." Is her serious?

"You idiot! Yeah, we take pictures and stuff with fans all the time, but YOU'RE ENGAGED! You shouldn't be kissing someone else. You should've just told her no, and taken a normal picture. It's not that hard."

"Sorry, I guess I just wasn't thinking." He started to tear up again.

"you got that right." I whispered under my breath.

"So, do you think she'll forgive me? Can I go talk to her?"

"She's sleeping right now. And I don't know, she'll probably forgive you eventually, but it might take some time. For now, I suggest just leaving her alone." I put the chips away, then went back upstairs.

I heard Liam, Harry, and Morgan leave, so it was just Louis and Lexi and me. Harry was going to stay at Liam's house while her was here because we didn't really have any more bedrooms for him to stay in.

Lexi would probably end up sleeping in the guest room tonight so she didn't have to talk to Louis, and I don't blame her. I went and checked on her to make sure she was ok, and she was. She was still sleeping, so I shut the door quietly so I wouldn't bother her.

I went and Laid on my bed and turned on the tv. I started watching Teen Wolf, which was actually a really good show. Lexi showed it to me a few weeks ago, and I've been kind of obsessed with it since then.

I was only on season 2, unlike Lexi, who was on season 4. She said she would stop watching it until I was caught up so we could watch it together, but I doubt she will. She'll probably end up watching it without me, making me even further behind.

I finished the season in about 2 hours, so I decided to get up and go get food. I went downstairs and made a sandwich. I decided to make 2, just in case I was still hungry. I ran back upstairs so I could start watching Teen Wolf again.

While I was walking through the hallway, I heard a sound coming from Lexi's room. I knocked on the door, and she actually opened it.

"Hey, you're up!" I said when she opened the door.

"Yeah, I got up about 10 minutes ago." she responded, gesturing for me to come into the room.

"So what have you been doing?" I asked when I sat on the bed.

"Just watching youtube. I've just watched some music videos." She sat down next to me.

"Who's music videos?" She was probably listening to Louis's or One Direction, which isn't really good because she needs to stop thinking about Louis.

"Oh, umm, just some random ones."

"Louis?" I questioned. She just looked down at her phone.

"yeah." She mumbled.

"You need to stop thinking about him. Those guys are just being idiots."

"Those guys? I thought we were just talking about Louis?"

"Well, Morgan's mad at Liam because he made the comment about hormones, and you're mad at Louis because he's just an idiot."

"Oh, right. I think Liam apologized though, so they're fine now."

"Oh, well you should give Louis a chance to explain. I'm not saying you need to forgive him, or what he did was fine, because it's really not, but at least give him a chance to explain." I didn't usually take sides in an argument like this, but I'm on Lexi's side this time.


"Hey, go talk to him." I gestured to the door, signaling for her to go to Louis.

"Fine. I'll talk to him, but I might not forgive him." She walked over to the door, but I stopped her.

"Wait!" She turned around and looked at me. "You want a sandwich first?" I asked, remembering I had made 2.

"Sure." She sat back down and took the sandwich from me.

We ate them together, mostly in silence. When we finished, I went back to my room, and Lexi went to talk to Louis. I turned Teen Wolf back on to start season 3, so I can hopefully catch up to Lexi.

I really hope it works out between them. They were honestly great together. Also... THEY'RE ENGAGED! And I'm pretty sure Lexi and Morgan have already made the invitations...

They are my best friends, but honestly, they are stupid. I know Louis shouldn't have kissed that girl, but Lexi might be overreacting a little. I'm obviously not going to say that to her face, but still...

My thoughts were cut off by the sound of Tyler Posey screaming. Well, technically he was growling, or whatever they call it, but still. They were about to get into a wolf fight, which was my favorite part, so I started paying attention. That's honestly the reason I started watching the show in the first place... but now everything else about it is really interesting, which is why I cant stop watching it... thanks a lot, Lexi.


Early update again! we had block day today, so I had about 4 hours just in class to write. so I hope you guys don't mind that I switched point of views again... but oh well. also, sorry it's another short chapter, but I didn't really know what else to add to it. I hope you guys enjoyed the chapter. please comment and vote!

question: do you like it better when I do longer or shorter chapters?

picture: young one direction❤️. I just found this and thought it would be good to put in there because they are ADORABLE even though it has nothing to do with the chapter........

video: strip that down by Liam. it has absolutely nothing to do with the chapter, but it's just the song I was listening to while was writing this.😂

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