Chapter 14

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Louis gets out of the hospital tomorrow, but Liam has to wait one more day. it's 11:00 p.m. and both of the boys are already asleep, but I cant sleep for some reason. I've been texting my cousin, Morgan, for the past half hour. we were really close when we were little, but we kinda grew apart when my parents died.

she saw me on the news, and wanted to know what was going on. we still talked occasionally, but we've been talking a lot more since 'the incident' with Addy. she's the only one I can really trust, besides Louis and Liam, so I've been telling her everything that's been happening. she was also a huge one direction fan, but her favorite was Liam. when she found out I was dating Louis, and my best friends was Liam, she freaked out.

"would you mind if I came over sometime? I mean, I don't want you to feel like I'm using you to meet them, but I really want to." Morgan texted me.

"yeah! I'm sure they would love to meet you. they usually love meeting fans." I texted her back.

"I'm not busy at all next week, would I be able to come then?"

"definitely! you only live a few hours away, so you can just come whenever!"

"ok great! I'll probably be there Monday. I cant wait to see you!"

"I cant wait to see you either! see you Monday. good night."

after that, I finally went to sleep. it was around 11:30, which is later than I usually go to bed. I'm usually asleep by 10:00. I woke up to that stupid nurse yelling again.

"what did I say about sleeping together?! Louis could get hurt!" she started yelling.

"oh shut up, I'm fine." Louis said getting annoyed.

"ugh, here are you meds." she said handing them a bag and storming out of the room.

"Liam, get up. time for your meds." I tried to wake Liam up because he slept through that... somehow.

they both took their meds and a different nurse came back, thankfully. she said someone had to sign Louis out, so I did it. once I was done signing Louis out, he was back in his normal clothes. we went to get some breakfast, and we brought Liam some too. it was Saturday, so Liam got out tomorrow, and Morgan gets here in 2 days.

we got the breakfast, so now we're back in the hospital room with Liam. we are all eating breakfast and watching x factor on youtube. we are watching audition fails from this year, when Louis is the judge. it's really funny because he is cringing at himself, along with the contestants.

Liam is also cringing a lot. honestly, I never thought staying in the hospital would be this fun. we mainly just sat around and watched youtube all day. the only time any of us left the room was to get food or go to the bathroom.

the day went by pretty fast, and before we knew it, it was time to go to bed. Louis and I decided to stay with Liam at the hospital again. I was really tired from staying up late the past 2 nights, so I fell asleep right away. I woke up to the nurse telling us Liam needed to be signed out, so I did it again.

by the time I signed Liam out, they already had all of their stuff together. we walked out of the hospital and were immediately surrounded by reporters. they were asking us a bunch of questions about what happened, how Louis got shot and Liam got stabbed, who would want to hurt them, and a bunch of other questions like those.

we answered most of the questions while pushing through the crowd. by the time we finally got to the car, we had probably answered around 50 questions. I'm not gonna lie, I kinda liked the attention, but I didn't like the situation. we went home and listened to music the entire way. we listened to the album  'midnight memories', and I sang almost every word.

when we got home, we all just flopped on the couch because we were exhausted. we sat and talked for about 20 minutes, then decided to do something. we've just been sitting around watching youtube for 4ish days, so we needed to do something active. we decided to go for a mile run.

we all wore shorts, a tank top, and some Nike tennis shoes. as soon as we left the house, there was a crown of fans. they all wanted pictures and autographs from Louis and Liam. they didn't want to look rude, so they gave the fans what they wanted. after about 30 minutes, the fans finally cleared up, and we could finally go on our run.

we got stopped a few more times during the run, but it wasn't too bad. we stopped at the park and played on the swings for a little bit to rest, then started running back to the house. when we finally got back, we turned on the news. we were the main story again... of course.

"X Factor judge and former One Direction member, Louis Tomlinson, was shot this weekend." one of the reporters said, "the shooter's name is Tyler Marshall, using his girlfriend, Addison Reiley, as the getaway driver. they are now in police custody, and will be put on trial Tuesday. they will also be on trial for the stabbing of Louis's ex-bandmate, Liam Payne. both spent the weekend in the hospital with Louis's apparent girlfriend, Lexi Moore. and now for the weather." she said, then it went to someone else who started talking about weather.

"well, that's great. don't you just love being the main story?" Louis said, sarcastically.

"oh well, they'll say what they want. you should be used to this Lou, it's not that big of a deal anymore." Liam said.

"true, but I just don't really like it. I mean, they're gonna make up some crazy stuff that most likely isn't true, and there's nothing we can really do about it." Louis complained.

"we can ignore it." Liam said as he went into the kitchen. he came back out with 3 bowls of ice cream, 2 spoons, and 1 fork... "how about we just watch movies the rest of the day? that run was enough exercise for one day, now we can just relax." he said handing us both a spoon and a bowl. that's fine with me, I love watching movies and eating ice cream.

"sounds good to me." Louis said, "so what movie should we start with?"

"umm... how about the maze runner? those are really good movies." Liam suggested. Louis and I just looked at each other...

"no, I cant watch the maze runner. Addy kinda ruined that for me..." Louis said in an angry tone. he gets mad just thinking about it, and I kinda do too.

"ok, well, how about finding Nemo?" Liam said.

"really? I love that movie!" I said. I found the movie and started it while Louis and Liam got pillows and blankets, and some more food.

after we finished Finding Nemo, we watched Finding Dori. after that, we decided to watch Harry Potter. there are 8 movies total, but we only got through 5 before we fell asleep. we all fell asleep around the same time, which was 10:00ish. Louis was the last one up, but he was almost asleep when I fell asleep. Liam was first, but I'm not really surprised, he's usually the first one. I fell asleep laying on Louis's chest. he was super comfortable, and made me feel safe. he was truly the best boyfriend I could ask for.


hey guys! sorry it's another pretty short chapter, but oh well. I hope the next ones are longer, but I'm not sure yet.

picture: Louis and Liam

video: 2018 x factor fails

next update: hopefully this weekend.

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