Chapter 33

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We just stayed there for about 5 minutes before we heard the front door slam open. We ran downstairs to see who it was, and saw Liam, Morgan, and Harry run in the door. Thanks for knocking...

"What are you guys doing here?" Louis asked.

"Niall texted us. What's wrong? Are you guys ok? What happened?" Liam said, basically out of breath from running through the door.

"We're fine. We just got in a fight, but we're ok now." I said.

"NIALL!! You said it was an emergency! You scared us!" Morgan yelled and slapped Niall's arm.

"It was an emergency!" Niall snapped back. "Lexi, show them your arms."

"No, I'm fine." I tried to hide my arms, but Niall grabbed them and turned them so they could see the cuts.

"YOU CUT YOURSELF?!" Morgan, Liam, and Harry yelled together.

"I'm fine. I was just mad. It's not that big of a deal."

"Umm... it is a big deal! You promised you would never do this again!" Morgan said. Crap. I was hoping she wouldn't mention that...

"What do you mean 'again'? This has happened before?" Louis questioned.

"Oh... you never... my bad..." Morgan said, then backed away a little, probably because of how mad I looked.

"Lexi... what is she talking about?" Louis asked.

"I... well... when my parents died, I blamed myself and..." I looked down, kind of embarrassed.

"Lex, you cant do this. And how come you never told me?"

"Because it wasn't exactly my first choice for a conversation starter." I said sarcastically.

"I'm so sorry. Please promise you wont ever do this again."

"I would... but I promised Morgan that the last time it happened... and look where we are now..."

"Well, if you ever feel that bad, then just talk to one of us, we are all here for you, please don't hurt yourself." Louis grabbed my hand and made me look in his eyes.

"Ok, I wont. Now can we just drop it? I really don't want to talk about this anymore."

"Sure. Soo... the wedding's still on?" Niall asked. Morgan, Liam, and Harry all gave him a confused look. They didn't know what happened...

"What do you mean? Were you going to call it off?" Liam asked Louis and I.

"That's what our fight was about. That's why I... why I cut myself... Louis said he was calling off the wedding." I said.

"Why would you call it off Lou? What was wrong? You were really excited about it... so why would you call it off?" Harry asked.

"Well Lexi and I got in a fight last night, so she slept in a guest room. I came downstairs this morning and her and Niall were watching a movie. He didn't have a shirt on and she was laying on his chest. I was still upset about last night, so I kinda overreacted..." Louis admitted.

"What's wrong with her laying on his chest? She does that with me all the time..." Liam asked. That's true... when Louis isn't there, I'm usually laying on Liam or Niall.

"I know, I know. I was just mad and I blew up. I don't usually care, but something just clicked inside of me that made me mad. After our fight, I didn't want to see Lexi with any other guy, so I said the wedding was off. It just slipped out before I could stop myself."

"And you decided to cut yourself?" Liam asked, turning to me.

"Like I said, I was mad and didn't know what to do. I mean, he basically said he didn't want to get married anymore!" I said defensively.

"True, but that's no reason to cut yourself." Harry said.

"Yes, I know, we've been over this, many times. Try to keep up Harry." I rolled my eyes. Everyone laughed while Harry pretended to pout.

"AAAANYway you guys aren't canceling the wedding... right?" Morgan asked.

"No, we aren't. We talked about it, so we're fine now." I assured her.

"Good. Because I didn't spend hours of planning just for you guys to cancel it." She said sarcastically, and we all laughed.

"So lets change the subject completely. What do you guys want to do?" Louis asked.

"Well... we could just sit here and chill." Niall suggested.

"Well, it's been snowing pretty hard so staying here sounds great." Liam chuckled.

"Deal. How about we play some board games?" Louis asked.

"Oh, sounds fun. Lexi and I can go get some." Morgan said, grabbing my arm and pulling me to the hallway.

We got back with about 20 board games about 5 card games. We set them down on the floor, then sat on the couch to wait for the boys. They came out holding tons of food and drinks. They set them on the table, then we all got in a circle on the floor.

We started with 'Trouble'. There weren't enough places for everyone, so we did teams. The teams were Louis and I, Morgan and Liam, and Harry and Niall. Harry and Niall won, so they decided to rub it in everyone's faces... they were honestly acting like they 5 years old...

After that, we play games like Sorry, Monopoly, Uno, Phase 10, charades, and a bunch of other games. By the time we finished the games, it was around 7. We didn't eat dinner because we ate a bunch of snacks during the board games.

We decided to just watch tv until we fell asleep. We all agreed on watching 'A Series of Unfortunate Events' on Netflix. I started watching it when I promised Niall I wouldn't watch Teen Wolf. We started it from the first episode because Louis and I were the only ones who had seen it before.

We turned the tv off around midnight. It was late and the roads were icy, so everyone just stayed at our house tonight. I actually slept in my room with Louis tonight, Niall slept in his room, Morgan and Liam slept in the guest room, and Harry got the couch.

We all took quick showers, brushed our teeth, then went to our rooms (or couch, in Harry's case...). I heard Liam and Morgan talking, Niall was watching Teen Wolf, and Harry fell asleep almost instantly. I thought Louis was asleep too, so I started singing to myself. It helps me calm down.

"I love your voice." Louis mumbled.

"Sorry, I thought you were asleep." I whispered.

"I was... almost. But keep singing, it's relaxing." He put his arm around my waist and pulled me closer to him so my back was on his chest.

"you look so beautiful, you walked out of a dream..." I sang 'just to see you smile' by Why Don't We. I love that song, and it was calming.

I eventually heard the soft sound of Louis snoring. I smiled, then closed my eyes.. and fell asleep.


WASSUPPP!! I finished my homework early, so I updated twice today! YAYYYY

I hope you liked the chapter, and if so, please vote. And if not... well, vote anyway :)

ALSOOOOO comment your thoughts and don't be afraid to message me if you have ANY questions about the book so far.

question: What color is your hair? Mine's blonde.

picture: young, weird, 1d

video: just to see you smile by why don't we.

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