Chapter 12

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"I told you he would pay for this!" she yelled as she drove away.

I don't care about Addy right now, I'm just worried about Louis. Tyler just shot him in the shoulder, and he was bleeding pretty bad. Liam already called an ambulance, so they are on their way. I remember what my mom told me, to always keep pressure on it to try and stop the bleeding. I didn't have anything to use, so Liam took his shirt off and used that. it was kinda hard to focus on the blood when Liam was shirtless... but I had to ignore his abs... for Louis.

the ambulance finally showed up and rushed to get Louis in. they started driving as soon as they got him in so they could get him to the hospital as soon as possible. Liam and I weren't allowed in the ambulance, so Liam drove and I rode with him. we didn't listen to music because I was too sad, and so was Liam.

when we finally got to the hospital, they said Louis had already gone into surgery, so we couldn't see him. we had to sit in the waiting room until he was done, then we can go see him. the doctor said the bullet didn't hit any vital organs, and barely missed his heart, so he's lucky to be alive.

this is all my fault. I should've been more alert, should've recognized the car sooner, should've warned him sooner. there are so many things I could've done to prevent this. this is low, even for Addy. I knew she was mad, I didn't think she would go THIS far. my thoughts were interrupted by the sound of Liam's voice.

"hey, its gonna be alright." he said, trying to comfort me.

"no its not. this is all my fault." I had a blank expression on my face, not able to move.

"hey, it's not your fault. there's nothing you could've done to prevent this."

"yes it is. I'm the one that brought Addy into his life, and she's the reason he's in the hospital, which makes it my fault." I said, starting to cry.

"it's not your fault." he said again, "you had no idea Addy would do anything like this, and there's nothing you could've done to stop her." he's so comforting. he's actually starting to make me believe it's not my fault... but I know it is.

after that, we were just silent. there wasn't really anything left to say. we were having such a good time, but now, there's nothing left to be happy about. I'm not going to be on x factor, my 'friend' is pure evil and the spawn of Satan, and my boyfriend, the only guy I've ever loved, is in the hospital, and it's all my fault. never in my entire life, did I ever think anything like this would happen.

all we can do is wait, which is killing me. I feel like I should be doing something, anything, but I cant move. I feel like we've been sitting here for hours, and I'm kinda getting hungry, but I want to be here when Louis is out of surgery.

"Lexi Moore and Liam Payne?" I heard someone say.

"yes, that's us. what's happening?" I said as I jumped up from my chair. Liam is up too, standing right next to me.

"Louis is out of surgery, you can go see him now." one of the doctors said, showing us where his room is. I ran to his room as fast as I could.

"LOUIS! are you ok? I'm so sorry, this is all my fault. I should've done something about Addy before it got this far. I cant-" Louis cut me off.

"hey, I'm fine. the doctor said I got lucky the bullet didn't hit anything too important. and this is not your fault at all. there is absolutely no way you could've stopped this." he said in a calm voice. everyone is saying it's not my fault, but I still think it is.

"is there anything I can do for you? can I get you anything? what can I do to help. I felt completely useless while you were in surgery, so I want to do something." I felt so bad, so I was willing to do anything for Louis.

"well, I am kinda thirsty, could you please get me a water?" he asked. as soon as he said that, I ran to the vending machine and came back a minute later with a bottle of water. "thanks." he said.

"hey, how ya doing?" Liam said as he walked into the room.

"what took you so long?" I asked. they're best friends and he found out the same time I did, so he should've gotten in here the same time I did.

"the police showed up asking what happened. I told them someone shot him, but I didn't know who. I said you would probably know more about them, so they want to talk to you when you're ready." he explained.

"just have them come in here. so we can both answer whatever questions they have for us." Louis said. Liam went outside the room and came back with 2 cops.

"hello. are you Lexi?" one of them asked me.

"yeah, that's me."

"do you mind if we ask you a couple questions about what happened?"

"no, I don't mind."

"so, who was it that shot Louis?" he asked. one was asking the questions, and the other was writing down my answers.

"well, the one who actually shot the gun was Tyler Marshall, but the one who told him to was his girlfriend, Addison Reiley." that was Addy's last name. she never really liked it, and didn't like anyone knowing it.

"ok, thank you. now, do you know why they would do this?" he asked. ugh... this was going to be hard to explain.

"well, I was a contestant on x factor when I met Louis, but we weren't allowed to date as long as I was on the show, so I decided to quit the show. when Addy found out, she wasn't too happy because she thought it was his fault. she tried to break us up, which made me blow up at her. she said Louis was going to pay for this, but I didn't think she would go this far..." my voice slowly faded.

"ok, thank you. you have been very helpful today. I promise we will find Addison and Tyler, and they will both be in prison for a long time for attempted murder." he assured us.

after that, the officers left the room. it was just Liam, Louis, and me in the room. we didn't really know what to talk about, so we just kind sat there. I sat cuddled up next to Louis on the bed and Liam sat in a chair in the corner.

it was getting close to dinner time, so Liam offered to go get us something, and asked us what we wanted. we agreed on Chinese, so Liam searched for the closest Chinese restaurant. there was one a couple miles from here, so Liam left to go get the food, leaving Louis and I alone in the room.

"hey, its all gonna be fine." Louis said. then I realized I was shaking, and couldn't stop. "stop shaking. we are ok. they cant do anything to us while we are here." I was still shaking. he gently turned my head so we were making eye contact. our faces were only inches away from each other. "Lexi Moore, I love you." I froze when he said those 3 words. then, he leaned in and kissed me. it was the perfect moment, but it didn't last long...

all of the sudden I heard a familiar scream from outside our room... LIAM!


hey guys! so another pretty short chapter... so what happened to Liam?? keep reading to find out! and please, tell people about this book, really need/ want some more readers! I'm only at 5 right now, but that's better than nothing... also, thank you everyone who is reading right now, it means so much to me!

picture: Louis at the hospital after being stung by a sea urchin right before their judges house audition...

video: love you goodbye.

next update: either tonight or tomorrow.

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